Protestant Reformation
Who said that?
Term ID
Is it meritorious?

Martin Luther wrote this many theses

How much is 95 theses?


Imagine! The great generosity of God! The happiness of man! To man it is allowed to be whatever he chooses to be!

Who is Pico Della Mirandola? (oration on the dignity of man)



What is the study of historical writing?


When you hear a man praising the goodness of others, help him to do so



What percent of the native population of North America die from smallpox carried by Spanish conquistadors.

What is 90 percent?


What university did Martin Luther attend?

What is the University of Wittenberg?


And what shall I say of those who comfortably delude themselves with imaginary pardons for their sins, and who measure their time in purgatory with an hourglass into years, months, days, and hours, with all the precision of a mathematical table?

Who was Erasmus (Praise of Folly)


Tertiary source

What is a source that gives overview of secondary and primary sources?


Instigate your landlord to take revenge on a neighbor on the pretext that the neighbor's animals have damaged your crops


Name two of the three main things that contributed to the spread of the Black Death

What are: Fleas, Ships, and rats


How did the printing press contribute to the spread of the Protestant Reformation ideas?

Increased access to books enabled more people to read and interpret the Bible.


Therefore, we request that you understand this text, deliberate on its contents within a reasonable time, and recognize the Church and its highest priest, the Pope, as rulers of the universe, and in their name the King and Queen of Spain as rulers of this land, allowing the religious fathers to preach our holy Faith to you.

Who was King Ferdinand? (Message to the Taino-Arawak)



The belief in humanity; people are good, life is good, the human race is superior, and people can be whatever they please.


If people have suffered a grave injustice, expose it

What is no?


According to John Green, why did the Renaissance not happen?

Developments of society were usually exclusively accessible to elites; Renaissance happened over many centuries.


Daily Double

What was being struck by lightning?


Men have no pleasure (but on the contrary a great deal of grief) in keeping company where there is no power to overawe them all... during the time men live without a common power to keep them all in awe, they are in that condition which is called war; and such a war as is of every man against every man.

Who was Hobbes? (Leviathan)



What is a belief in a government led by a single, unchecked ruler who is able to rule arbitrarily?


Do not ridicule other people's handwriting

What is yes?


Name all five of the pillars of Islam

What are; Sawm, Zakat, Hajj, Shahada, and Salat?
(Fasting, Charity, Pilgrimage, Profession of faith, and 5 daily prayers)


What does this quote mean "German money, contrary to nature, flies over the Alps; the pastors given to us are shepherds only in name; they care for nothing but the sheep's fleece, and they fatten on the sins of the people."

The nation's money goes to priests who do not profess the truth of Christianity. They are priests in name, but in heart they only care about money, not the spread of Christian ideals.


I say, then, that the sum of thirteen hundred and forty-eight years had elapsed since the fruitful Incarnation of the Son of God, when the noble city of Florence, which for its great beauty excels all others in Italy, was visited by a deadly pestilence.

Who was Boccaccio? (The Decameron)


Daily Double

What is the belief that no changes needed to be made to the gospels by the Catholic Church, everyone can interpret the gospels in their own way; All Christians are spiritually equal?


Do not show anger or worry in your parents' sight.



In "Things Fall Apart", Chinua Achebe wrote: "Among the Igbo the art of conversation is regarded very highly, and proverbs are the palm-oil with which words are eaten." What did this statement reveal about the Igbo?

For the Ibo, proverbs added richness and meaning to conversation