The date was c. 400-1000
What is the widow's problem in the story of the widow's oil?
Debit she could not pay.
What was the date of The Council of Chalcedon?
Who was Nebuchadnezzar?
King of Babylon
What was the feudal system and what purpose did it serve?
Social system for the Middle Ages and protection from attack.
What is the name of the period when the Barbarians and Vikings lived?
The Middle Ages
What did Elisha promise the Shunamite woman for her help?
A son
What questions did The Council of Chalcedon address?
Whether Christ was also truly man and could be God and man in one person.
Describe the fourth beast in Daniel's vision.
Iron teeth, ten horns, and a little horn.
What were the two main differences in the Church at this time?
Church government and theology of Holy Spirit
Describe the personal attributes of the Barbarians.
Fair haired, fair skinned, aggressive warriors.
What two sins were the Edomites guilty of?
Pride and violence
What did the Council consider the source of information for resolving the conflict?
What happened to Daniel during Jehoiachin's reign?
Daniel was taken to Babylon.
What position did the Western Church take on church government?
Stronger papal authority, centralized government
Name two Barbarian tribes.
Hezekiah was a godly king. What did he do that showed this?
Tore down the places of idol worship. Destroyed bronze serpent made by Moses.
600; Bishop
What four things were represented in the king's dream?
Kingdoms of Babylon, Medo-Persia, Greece, Rome
What two Churches resulted from the split?
Roman Catholic Church (West) Eastern Orthodox Church (East)
What caused the end of the influence of Barbarians and Vikings?
Mohammad II conquered Constantinople.
Who was Sennecherib?
Assyrian's King
What four points did the Council affirm?
1-Christ is fully God
2- Christ is fully Man
3- One person not two
4 - Fully God and Man at the same time.
What does Ezekiel's vision?
A valley of dry bones; Ezekiel preaching to the bones; the bones coming to life; flesh on the bones, and they had no breath.
What is the hierarchy of the feudal system.
King, Vassals/Nobels, Sub-Vassals/lesser nobels, Knights, Freemen, Serfs/Slaves