Geography (Terms and Places)
Geography (Map)
Names and Faces
Mixed Bag
Middle Ages

The imaginary line that divides Earth into two equal parts: the  Northern Hemisphere and the Southern Hemisphere.

What is the equator?

Name of the country marked by the star. 

What is Portugal?


Monarchs of Spain during Christopher Columbus’ expeditions. They agreed to fund Columbus expeditions after successfully driving out the Moors from Spain. They were very staunch Catholics. 

Who are Ferdinand and Isabella?


Italian explorer of the 15th century who wanted to reach the Far East by sailing west from Europe across the Atlantic. 

Who is Christopher Columbus?


A body of land surrounded by water on three sides is called a/an _________________.

What is a peninsula?


True or False: The Crusades were a huge success and the Christian soldiers managed to recover the Holy Land from the Turks in the end. 

What is false?


 The imaginary line that divides Earth into two equal parts: the Eastern Hemisphere and the Western Hemisphere.

What is the prime meridian?


Name of the country marked by the star. 

What is Spain?


Known as “The Virgin Queen,” she boldly led England in a seismic defeat of the Spanish Armada in 1588. Her father was the famous Henry VIII. 

Who is Queen Elizabeth I?


Known for establishing a special school for navigation, _________________  of Portugal led the way in the Age of Exploration. 

Who is Prince Henry the Navigator?


He is credited with being the first to discover that Columbus had discovered a new continent. For this reason, our country is named after him. 

Who is Amerigo Vespucci?


A large estate or farm, part of which was set aside for the lord and the rest divided among his peasants.

What is a manor?


The name for the region that contains Spain and Portugal. 

What is the Iberian Peninsula?


Name of the country marked by the star. 

What is the Netherlands?


Conquistador who famously conquered the Aztecs under Montezuma. 

Who was Hernando Cortez?


Explorer who discovered an all-water route to India 38 years after Prince Henry's death. 

Who is Vasco de Gama?


Names of Columbus' three ships. 

What were the Nina, the Pinta, and the Santa Maria?


The Muslim Turks who Christians fought during The Crusades were also called _____________________.

Who were the Saracen (Seljuk) Turks?


The strait that cuts through the southern tip of South America is called ___________________ after the Spanish explorer who discovered it.  

What is the Strait of Magellan?


Name of the country marked by the star. 

What is the United Kingdom? (or England)?


One of Queen Elizabeth’s famous “sea dogs” (pirates), he circumnavigated the entire world on a global plunder mission and was personally knighted by the queen upon his return. 

Who is Sir Francis Drake?


These two inventions made sailing safer and sailors more confident during the 15th century.

What are the compass and astrolabe?


The second longest river in America, flowing 2,350 miles from its source at Lake Itasca through the center of the continental United States to the Gulf of Mexico. 

What is the Mississippi River?


From mid to late antiquity, the Germanic people lived in rugged forests west and north of the ____________ and ____________ rivers.

What were the Rhine and the Danube?


A narrow strip of land that forms a bridge between two larger bodies of land. 

What is an isthmus?


Name of the French explorer who founded Quebec in 1608. One of the Great Lakes is named after him. 

Who is Samuel de Champlain?


Italian explorer commissioned by Henry VII to explore New World in 1497. His suspected landing sight is Cape Bonavista, Newfoundland.  

Who is John Cabot?


First explorer to round the southern tip of Africa, also called the Cape of Good Hope. 

Who is Bartolomeu Dias?


True or false: The main goal of the 15th and 16th French explorers was to drive the Spanish conquistadors out of Canada. 

What is false?


In the year ____________, the Byzantine Capital of Constantinople fell to the Ottoman Turks. 

What is 1453?