Acts and Proclamations
French and Indian War
Riots and Revolutionaries
Mixed Bag

Boston is located in this state. 

What is Massachusetts?


This 1732 act forbade the colonies from exporting beaver hats to Europe or other colonies. 

What was the Hat Act?


The French and Indian War was the North American theater of this major global conflict.

What is the Seven Years War?


A member of the Virginia House of Burgesses and the Sons of Liberty who famously said, "Give me liberty or give me death!"

Who is Patrick Henry?


A plant from which blue dye is made.

What is indigo?


Name the starred country. 

What is England?


Called the "Coercive Acts" by the British, these acts were issued by Parliament in response to the Boston Tea Party. They impacted all the colonies, not just Massachusetts, and impacted all of Massachusetts, not just those who participated in the riot.   

What were the Intolerable Acts?


With the exception of this tribe, who supported the English during the war, the Indians largely supported the French.  

Who were the Iroquois?


The act of refusing to buy, or engage the services of an organization or person

What is a boycott?


The pizza for you and me. 

What is the Krusty Krab Pizza?


The most valuable and disputed-over territory in the United States during the 18th century.

What was the Ohio River Valley?


This 1765 act placed a tax on newspapers, pamphlets, legal documents, calendars, and playing cards and heavily affected business owners, merchants, and artisans.

What was the Stamp Act?


The French and Indian War began when this 22-year-old general and his band of 150 men attacked a small party of French soldiers before being badly defeated in the French counter-attack.

Who was George Washington?


On December 16, 1773, three groups of fifty young men dressed as Indigenous People attacked three British tea ships in Boston harbor. The tea was thrown into the sea.

What was the Boston Tea Party?


What wigs from colonial times were made of. 

What is goat hair/horse hair?


Name the starred state. 

What is Virginia?


The first British move to restrict colonial freedoms was the _________________________, which closed the newly acquired lands west of the Allegheny Mountains to American trappers and settlers.

What was the Proclamation of 1763?


True or False: As a result of the French and Indian War, England became the leading colonial power in the world. 

What is TRUE?


The secret organization that led opposition to Stamp Act whose members included Paul Revere, Samuel Adams, Joseph Warren, Benedict Arnold, John Hancock, Patrick Henry, James Otis.

Who were the Sons of Liberty?


The capital of Florida. 

What is Tallahassee?


Name the starred state. 

What is Maryland?


These acts stated that only English ships could trade with English colonies & valuable goods could only be shipped to England.

What were the Navigation Acts?


 This colonel in the British Army led the successful attack against Quebec in 1759, all but ending the French and Indian War.

Who was James Wolfe?


On March 5th, 1770, this conflict--which ended with five youths killed and six wounded--broke out between British troops and a Boston mob.

What is the Boston Massacre?


People who came to America and were placed under contract to work for another over a period of time, usually seven years and without pay, especially during the 17th to 19th. 

What were indentured servants?