Important Figures
Native NM Terms
Indigenous People/Culture
That's Random!

"a stock or supply of money, materials, staff, and other assets that can be drawn on by a person or organization in order to function effectively."



A Conquistador whose campaign into Mexico (1519 CE) resulted in the fall of the Aztec/Mexica Empire and Spanish rule which would enrich the crown immensely.

Hernan Cortez


Ancient Irrigation ditches in Spain and New Mexico that use gravity to water crops. They are often managed and maintained by the farming communities that use them. (Some were thought to be built using pre-existing Puebloan waterways.)

In My own Words: Human made ditch to transfer water from the rivers to farmland.



What does "indigenous" mean? 

 coming from a particular place and having lived there for a long time before other people came there; relating to, belonging to or developed by these people” - Oxford Learner’s Dictionary

In your own words: People or things that are native to a place.



Finish the line: 

"Sigo siendo el mismo

Solo que cambié los planes y ___ _____ ______"

"los medios zumban" (P. Pluma)

Provide at least three examples of "RESOURCES"


-Gold and other metals

-Food (crops/animals)

-Trees (for lumber)



A woman from the Nahua people (related to the Aztec) who advised and translated for Cortez, though it is unclear if this was done consensually, assisting in the conquering of the Aztec/Mexica Empire.  

Malintzen/Malinche/Doña Marina:


Definition: “a flat-topped mountain or hill. It is a wide, flat, elevated landform with steep sides.” (

In my own words: A big hill with steep sides.

Example: The pueblo of Acoma is on top of a Mesa which provides defense against enemies.



Name at least two of the Pueblo Nations/Tribes here in New Mexico:




Kewa/Santo Domingo




... and many others!


Why was Juan de Onate banished from New Mexico? 

For using too much brutality against the Native People (amputating feet and other war crimes). 


“The customs and beliefs, art, way of life and social organization of a particular country or group”



a Moroccan man who, along with Cabeza de Vaca, was one of only four survivors from the failed conquest of Florida. He traveled across much of what is now the Southwest of the United States and Northern Mexico learning much about the indigenous people of these lands. He was likely killed at Zuni Pueblo in 1539 CE.

Estevanico/Mustafa Azemmouri


(of people and their culture) coming from a particular place and having lived there for a long time before other people came there; relating to, belonging to or developed by these people” - Oxford Learner’s Dictionary

In your own words: People or things that are native to a place.



Following over 80 years of cultural and religious persecution and forced labor by the ruling Spanish, the Pueblos united and killed many colonists and priests, pushing the survivors down South to Cd. Juarez. Eleven years later, in 1691, the Spanish would retake New Mexico… but were generally more tolerant of the Pueblo Peoples’ traditions after the reconquista as they sometimes intermarried... and were often forced to work together to defend against raids.

Pueblo Revolt of 1680


How many years ago was Jesus Christ/Yeshua/the Prophet Issa born? 

2023 years ago! 


“the art or process of drawing or making maps”



After being shipwrecked with Estevanico and two others, he spent around eight years traveling before coming across Spanish Slavers in modern-day Sinaloa. He was enslaved by indigenous people in what is now Texas and gained freedom because he was able to serve as a healer for native people due to his medical knowledge.

Cabeza de Vaca


an ancient Native American culture that lived around the present-day Four Corners area of the United States (NM, AZ, CO, and UT). They were skilled high-desert farmers who grew beans, squash, corn, and chile and developed impressive towns/cities. They used Kivas, underground rooms that served as meeting places for religious practices and built fortified cliff-dwellings to protect themselves from raids. The cultural center of Chaco Canyon was an important center for their religion and trade. The modern day Pueblo Indians are their ancestors.

Ancestral Pueblo 


Tell me at least three important outcomes of the Pueblo Revolt of 1680...

1. Pueblo Nations/Tribes regained freedom

2. Pueblo leaders and people tried to wipe out most traces of Spanish culture and technology (Christianity, animals/food)

3. More "nomadic" tribes gained horses which let them raid the pueblos more regularly and more effectively. 

4. Spanish colonists were forced to leave the Pueblo lands for what is now Chihuahua/Texas. Many priests and other Spaniards were killed 


How many years ago was 1,000 B.C.E.? 

3,023 years ago! 

What are at least three out of the five themes of Geography?

1. Location - “Refers to a specific place or position on the earth’s surface.”

2. Place  -  “Refers to a place’s unique physical and human characteristics.”          

3. Human-Environment Interaction -”Explores the relationship between human societies and the natural world around them.”

4. Movement - “refers to the mobility of people, goods, and ideas across various locations.”              

5. Region - “How areas are similar or different based on their physical or cultural characteristics.” 


was a conquistador from New Spain, explorer, and colonial governor of the province of Santa Fe de Nuevo México in the viceroyalty of New Spain.” He conquered many Native People forcing them to adopt christianity and submit to the rule of the Spanish crown. He often used extreme violence and slavery in his conquests and rule and eventually was found guilty for these crimes in Mexico City and was banished from New Mexico.

Juan de Oñate y Salazar


Name three indigenous tribal groups (Native American Nations) with lands here in New Mexico.

-Pueblo (any Pueblo Nations ... aside from Hopi and Ysleta del Sur)


-Apache (Jicarilla or Mescalero)


A leader of the revolt from Ohkay Owingeh Pueblo (San Juan). He is credited with planning much of the revolt and using the technique of runners supplying leaders in each pueblo with a knotted rope/cord where each day a knot was undone until it was time to rise up and throw off Spanish rule.



How many years ago was 1,023 C.E.?

One thousand years ago!