what George known for?
finding uses of peanuts,soybeans,and sweet potatoes.
what was Mary kenner known for
development of the adjustable sanitary belt.
did Americans fire the first shots before the pearl harbor attack
how many soldiers died
5 million
how many people died during the war of 1812
15,000 Americans 8,600 british and Canadians died
did George have children how many did he have if so.
No, he had no children
did Mary kenner have kids
yes, 5 children one adopted son Woodrow.
how long did the attack on pearl harbor last
1 hour and 15 minutes
how long did the whole war last.
six years and one day
who were the biggest losers
native americans
what was George Washington's famous quote?
its better t offer no excuse than a bad one.
What was Mary Kenner's famous quote.
everyone person is born with a creative mind everyone has that capability.
what lead to the us entering ww 11
the attack on pearl harbor.
when did ww11 begin
when Germany invaded poland
$158 million
did George Washington get married to who and when
yes he did get married to a woman named Martha on january 6 1759- december 14 1799.
did Mary kenner get married to who and when.
James (jabbo kenner) a heavy weight boxer, in 1951
where Japanese submarines supposed to play a major role in the attack
when did ww11 end
september 2 1945
who attacked first in the war of 1812
american forces
what did George die of
what did Mary kenner die of
old age
what time did the pearl harbor attack began
7:55 that morning
when did great Britain declare war on germany
september 3 1939
who won the war of 1812
great britain