Christopher Columbus
Hernando Cortez
The Aztec
Spanish Conquers
Las Casas

This is the land that Columbus wanted to go and where he actually landed.

What is he wanted to go to Asia and he landed in America (Cuba and the islands)?

This the type of boats the Taino people used. 

What is a canoe?


This is why Hernando Cortez originally traveled to the Caribbean islands by America.

What is he was given land to farm?


This was the name of the tribe that fought Hernando Cortez.

What is the Aztec?


This is a new town build far away from the original country. 

What is a colony?


This is a person who tries to convert people to their own religion.

What is a missionary?


These are the rulers who funded Columbus' trip. 

Who is King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella of Spain?


This is the type of bed the Taino people slept in. 

What is a hammock?


This is what Hernando Cortez was looking for in America.

What is gold?


This was the ruler of the Aztec when Hernando Cortez arrived the first time.

Who was Moctezuma I?

BONUS: He was killed after he allowed Hernando Cortez into the city and the Aztec people fought against Cortez. 


The people who the Spanish sent to take over lands in America.

What is a conquistador?

This was a huge piece of land that included Native Americans that was given to Spanish settlers. 

What is an encomienda?


This is the Native American tribe that Columbus met. 

Who is the Taino?


This is the number of Taino people that Columbus kidnapped.

What is 6 people?

This is how many attacks it took for the Spanish to defeat the Aztec people.
How many is 2?

This was the leader of the Aztec when Hernando Cortez come to fight them a second time.

Who is Cuauhtemoc?


These are two other tribes that the Spanish conquistadors conquered. 

Who are the Inca and the Maya?
This was Bartolome de las Casas' nickname?

What is "Protector of the Indians"?


This is how Columbus tricked his crew.

What is Columbus kept two logs, one with the correct distance and one with the incorrect distance?

These are the things that the Native Americans shared with the Europeans. 

What is corn and potatoes?


This is the name of the Aztec City that Hernando Cortez conquered.

What is Tenochtitlan?


This is how the Aztec chose their next ruler.

What is by being chosen for leadership skills and NOT by family relations?


This is how long it took for the Spanish to conquer the Mayans.

What is 20 years?

This is what group of people Las Casas is not protect and why that is important. 

Who is the African American slaves? This is important because it shows that he had his own prejudice. 


This is the exchange of goods across the Atlantic ocean that includes positive effects (horses, sugarcane, etc.) and negative effects (diseases).

What is the Columbian Exchange?


This is what the Europeans shared with the Taino people.

What is sugar, horses, and diseases?


These are the two reasons that Hernando Cortez was able to defeat the Aztec?

What are the other enemy tribes against the Aztec helped Hernando Cortez win and the Aztec had weaker armor and weapons? BONUS: The Aztec were locked inside the city and starved until they surrendered.


This is what Hernando Cortez destroyed after he defeated the Aztec.

What are books, statues, temples, and more?


This is the new name that the Mexican people gave to a city they conquered.

What is Mexico City?


This is the first name of Las Casas.

What is Bartolome?