The Boston Tea Party
Coercive Acts
The First Continental Congress
From the Lesson 2 Review

The killing of many people.

What is massacre?


In the spring of 1773, the "tea crisis" became worse.

What is The Boston Tea Party?


Explain how the Intolerable Acts could have affected the economy and make inferences about the immediate effect on colonists.

They shut down the Boston Harbor.


It sent a Declaration of Rights to Parliament. It asked the British government to repeal the Intolerable Acts.

What is The Continental Congress?


The result of the Boston Tea Party.

What is Britain passed laws known as the Intolerable Acts to punish the people of Boston?


It would be controlled by the British military.

What is martial law?


The company would not pay tax on tea sold in the _________ ,but the _________ would continue to pay a tax on tea.

What is colonies and colonists?


The Intolerable Acts stated that colonists had to ________, or ________, British soldiers.

What is quarter OR shelter?


Sending the Declaration of Rights to the king was a significant step. The delegates knew that they might have to decided to go to ____ at their next meeting.

What is war?


Explain how John Adams defend the soldiers on trial for the Boston Massacre.

He thought that the British soldiers deserved a fair trial.


A colonist who opposed Britain's actions and policies before and during the American Revolution.

What is Patriot?

When the colonists heard, they believed that the tea tax was ________.

What is unjust OR unfair?


Furthermore, any British officials accused of crimes while carrying out their duty as peacekeepers or tax collectors would not be tried in a ______________.

What is colonial jury?


While some were ready to break away from Great Britain, more moderate delegates _______ the Congress to appeal once more to the king.

What is urged?


Give one of the following that was a decision made at the First Continental Congress

The Congress agreed to stop trade with Britain until the Intolerable Acts were repealed.


A person who remained loyal to Great Britain during the American Revolution.

What is Loyalists?


Some members of the Sons of Liberty disguised themselves as _______________________.

What is Mohawk American Indians?


Who is this idea that might have felt about the Intolerable Acts?: The laws are unfair. The Parliament has no right to pass the intolerable tax.

What is Samuel Adams' idea?

One Philadelphia merchant, _______ _______, said that independence would "assuredly prove unprofitable".

What is Thomas Clifford?


Explain on April 18, 1775, why did Paul Revere ride from Boston to Lexington?

What is to warn the militias, John Adams, and John Hancock of General Gage’s plan ?


Local armies of colonists.

What is militia.


The men climbed aboard the ships, ______________ the chests of tea, and ___________ it into the __________________.

What is broke open, dumped, and Boston Harbor?


Who is this idea that might have felt about the Intolerable Acts?: The colonists must be punished for not following the British law.

What is Thomas Hutchinson's idea?


Colonists were furious over the Intolerable Acts. The ____________ of _____________ produced a great deal of writings about Britain's unjust policies so that all colonists would be informed.

What is Committees of Correspondence?


The American Revolution began when colonists fought against British soldiers at _________, ___________, and _________ _________

What is Lexington, Concord, and Bunker Hill?