His revelations developed into the religion of Islam.
The city of Constantinople had a good location for trade and defense.
True or False: Muslim scholars made important contributions in math, medicine and philosophy.
Protestant Christians and the Eastern Orthodox Church agree on what one thing?
Who convinced Justinian to stay and fight against the Nika Revolt?
God is the Trinity.
In the year _______, Emperor Michael _____ took the city of _____________ back from the Venetians and crusaders who had been ruling it since the Fourth Crusade.
1261, VIII, Constantinople
Muhammad's teachings were compiled by his followers into the Avesta.
False- Qur'an
What does the word nika mean?
What three cities do Muslims consider to be sacred?
Who organized the land into zones called themes that were guarded by peasant soldiers who lived there?
Jerusalem, Medina, and Mecca.
Constantinople is located North of the _________ _____.
__________ is located East of the Mediterranean Sea.
Mediterranean Sea
He had the Roman Laws simplified.
Justinian I
Justinian ordered the destruction of all icons because he believed they were idols.
False- Leo III
In the Nika Revolt, who had become unpopular and why?
Justinian became unpopular because he taxed the people heavily and ignored their privileges.
What is a jihad?
Which crusade succeeded in its purpose of freeing Jerusalem from Islamic rule?
A holy war that is fought for the cause of Islam.
The First Crusade.
__________ is located East of the Red Sea.
The renewed interest in trade that the Crusades helped to prompt led to the growth of ______ in _______ Europe.
towns, Western
He was known as the Bulgar Slayer.
Basil II
The Byzantine Empire fell in 1551.
False- 1453
Its position along trade routes brought new ideas and religious beliefs.
What contributions did Christian missionaries from Constantinople make during the Byzantine Empire's golden age?
They standardized the language, laws, and political patterns of the people of eastern Europe.
The Turks who conquered all of the Byzantine Empire were called the __________.
He led an army that reclaimed lands lost by the Western Roman Empire.
One-third of Europe's people died from the flu epidemic in the 1300's.
False- disease called Black Death or bubonic plague.
Which Islamic Caliph conquered the Byzantine provinces of Palestine, Egypt, and Syria?
What year was the golden age from?
Where did the Byzantine emperors defeat their enemies?
Balkan Peninsula and in the Middle East
Compare and Contrast the beliefs of Islam with biblical truth.
Compare- both taught that there was only god.
Islam- 1. Teachers that Jesus was one of the prophets and only a man. 2. Teaches that Muhammad was the mediator between Allah and people. 3. Does not guarantee its followers eternity in heaven.
Bible- 1. Teaches that one God exists in three persons. 2. Teaches that Jesus is both fully God and man. 3. Teaches that Jesus is the only mediator between God and man. 4. Teaches that we have assurance of heaven because God keeps His promises to those that are saved and repent.