The New Deal
The New Deal continued
The New Deal, Second New Deal
What is a government funded building project that FDR promised would relief the poor?
Public Works
What provided government insurance for depositors savings?
The FDIC-Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation
What created irrigation, modernized the area, and brought businesses due to hydroelectric power?
TVA-Tennessee Valley Authority
What is something that FDR used through the radio to communicate with the American people?
Fireside Chats
What was the government's watchdog on the nation's stock market?
The SEC-Securities and Exchange Commission
What wanted to help unemployment of young men, and worked on conservation projects such as planting trees and improving parks.
The CCC-Civilian Conservation Corp
What is FDR's program called?
The New Deal
What was a government payment?
A subsidy
What were the three goals or R's that President FDR tried to accomplish?
Relief, Recovery, Reforms
What gave farmers a subsidy and helped drive the price of food and help farmers earn more?
The AAA-Agricultural Adjustment Act
What closed banks temporarily and was a law that gave government official power to examine all banks, determine its situation, and take steps to correct problems.
The Emergency Banking Act
What provided only winter employment and built miles of highways and sewer lines, airports, school buildings, and playgrounds and parks? This also was closed by FDR because he was worried about government spending.
CWA- Civil Works Administration