Leader of the Franks in 481
Who is Clovis?
Henry the Fowler's son
who is Otto I?
Roman authority came to an end
When is the early fifth century?
the royal family line of Clovis
What is the Merovingian House?
The original name of The Holy Roman Empire
What is the German Empire?
Who are the Danes?
the mayor near the end of the 7th century
Who is Pepin II?
the royal line that succeeded the Saxon Kings
What is the Salian House?
Ruler of the Saxon kingdom
Son of Pepin II
Who is Charles Martel?
Feudalism started because of
What are the civil wars?
Alfred built this to repel future Danish Invasions
What is a navy?
also known as "Charles the Great"
Who is Charlemagne?
Hohenstaufen leader who grew up in Sicily
Who is Frederick II?
Monks compiled this
What is the Anglo-Saxon Chronicle?