Civil Rights Movement
19th/20th Century Labor Movement
US Constitution
Arab Spring
Pop Culture

The man that performed the "I have a Dream" speech

Who was Martin Luther King Jr.?


This president, known as a trust buster, played an active role in weakening monopolies in the early 20th century.

Who Was Theodore Roosevelt?


Number of Amendments present in the Bill of Rights

What is 10?


This country descended into a civil war after anti-government protests against its dictator, which has continued into today.

What is Libya?

What is Syria?


This female artist famously rerecorded her early albums after striking a deal with her record label in order to gain ownership and more profit from her songs.

Who is Taylor Swift?


The year the Civil Rights Act was passed in Congress

What is 1964?


This private police force protected large companies and monopolies from labor unions through violence and coercion.

Who were the Pinkertons?


The freedoms granted to US citizens due to the first amendment.

What is the freedom of speech, assembly, petition, press, and religion?


This country diplomatically and occasionally militarily supported protests and revolutions in Arab nations.

What is the United States?


This famous song by Clearance Clearwater Revival was inspired by the dissatisfaction and inequality that characterized the Vietnam War and the draft in the late 60s and early 70s.

What is "Fortunate Son?"


The Supreme Court Case where a family sued a school district for the right to send their daughter to a segregated school.

What was Brown v. Board of Education?


Main goals for the labor movements that popped popped throughout the US.

What is the 8 hour work week, minimum wage, safe working conditions, right to a union, and end to child labor?


The author of the Bill of Rights

Who was James Madison?


These are the main reasons for the anti-government protests that came out of this era.

What are Democracy, Corruption, Inflation, and Abuse of Power?


This recent strike by a vital part of the production teams for most shows caused delays and cancellations of many shows and movies in order to gain better pay.

What was the 2023 Writer Guild strike?


The group of people that Cesar Chavez fought to have equal working conditions and rights in the Western US.

Who were the Hispanic migrant farm laborers?


This female author wrote pieces that exposed the corruption and immoral activities of the Standard Oil company.

Who was Ida Tarbell?


One of three documents that inspired the creation of the Bill of Rights.

What is the Magna Carta?

What is the Virginia Declaration of Rights?

What is the English Bill of Rights?


The nation where the Arab Spring first began.

What is Tunisia?

This set of rules for movies restricted the showing of explicit or suggestive scenes in the United States from the 30s to late 60s.

What was the Hays Code?


Leader of the Gay Rights Movement in San Francisco who was assassinated in 1978.

Who was Harvey Milk?


This nationwide labor strike by railroad workers for the right to organize into unions were put down violently by the police and state militias.

What was the Great Railroad strike of 1877?


This amendment protects citizens from cruel and unusual punishment.

What is the 8th amendment?


This country was mostly able to suppress the protests inspired in neighboring nations with force and minor concessions.

What is Saudi Arabia?


First black artist to reach no 1.

Who was Tommy Edwards?