Who produced the first practical telephone in 1876?
Alexander Graham Bell
Name something that the Old World introduced into the New World, environmentally...
What are the two main branches of Islam?
Sunni and Shia
What does the A in MAIN stand for?
Which classical pianist was famously deaf?
Steamboats were successful because they were able to go in what direction?
What Ancient-American empire existed in modern Chile?
The Incan Empire
What name was given to the elite Ottoman infantry units composed of enslaved Christian boys converted to Islam?
What global event between two major countries/ideologies follow after WW2?
The Cold War
How many kids do Shrek and Fiona have?
What jobs do "blue-color workers" perform?
Manual labor OR Skilled trades in manufacturing/industry
What book by Thomas Paine help inspire the American Revolution
Common Sense
The country of Haiti declared independence from which country?
Who is the founder of fascism?
What country in South America is not considered part of Hispanic America?
What was the political program by Mao Zedong that intended to rapidly industrialize China?
the Great Leap Forward
Who "discovered" North America first? (besides Indigenous people)?
Which European explorer is credited with leading the first expedition to circumnavigate the globe?
Ferdinand Magellan
What ethnic group was targeted in America during WW2?
Japanese-American citizens
How many days untill your AP World Exam :)?
What animal/species was kept in coal mines to warn miners of carbon monoxide?
What event in 1835 was the direct consequence of the Indian Removal Act (1830)--forcibly removing 5 major tribes?
The Trail of Tears
What was the first formal event that divided Christianity into two branches?
The Great Schism (1054)
What Einstein equation was used to help create the atom bomb?
Mass-energy equivalence, E=mc2
Name every History Club board member of this year! (Hint: there's 9!)
Jayden, Emelie, Maria, Luis, Minh Thai, Tony, Aaron, Jack, Cac