The war took place between these two years
1861 and 1865
True or False. Immigrants came to the United States because of crop failures, rising taxes, famine, personal freedom among other things.
US President during the war
President McKinley
The Axis
Germany, Italy and Japan
A period of healing and rebuilding in the South
The Civil War started with this battle
Battle of Fort Sumter
Large group of immigrants that came at the start of the California Gold Rush in 1849 until 1882
This battle made Teddy Roosevelt famous
Battle of San Juan Hill
Name the leaders of the three Allied countries
FDR, Churchill and Stalin
Carpetbaggers, Scalawags and African Americans
DAILY DOUBLE!!!! The North won because they had better finances, they were technologically superior, had a larger population, superior political leadership and _____________
Name of the most famous immigrant processing center in New York, opened in 1892
Ellis Island
The Spanish-American War brought an end to almost 4 centuries of this country's presence in the Americas.
Japanese slogan which meant the divine right of the Empire of Japan to unify the eight corners of the world.
Hakko Ichiu
DAILY DOUBLE!!!! President Johnson offered a pardon to all Southern whites except __________
Confederate leaders.
Name one legacy of the Civil War
Emancipation Proclamation, 13th Amendment, Established a powerful centralized federal government and laid the foundation for America's emergence as a world power in the 20th century.
This Bavarian immigrant helped the Gold Rush and the west's cowboys by inventing this sturdy garment
Levi Strauss
DAILY DOUBLE!!!!! The exaggeration of facts by the media. A style of newspaper reporting based on sensationalism over facts.
Yellow Journalism
Name the three leaders of the Axis countries
Hitler, Mussolini, Hirohito
President Lincoln announced the first comprehensive program of the Reconstruction: when one-tenth of a state's prewar voters took an oath of loyalty, they could establish a new state government
The Ten-Percent Plan
What is celebrated each June 19th, now known as Juneteenth?
The freeing the last slaves of the Confederacy
This chef born in Italy came to the United States and created an empire out of canned Italian food.
Chef Boyardee
US intervened in the Spanish American War was because of Yellow Journalism, the sinking of the USS Maine, the DeLome Letter and ____________
Cuba's struggle for independence
World War II started on ________and finished on ______
1 September 1939, 2 September 1945
President's Veto