History & Social Sciences Essential Competencies
Portrait of a Graduate: Qualities of Character
Fun History Facts

I can THINK by...

Generating, Evaluating, & using new & existing ideas and information?


This is the first quality that Brewster students champion. 

What is Inclusion and Diversity? - Brewster graduates lead with empathy, appreciate multiple-perspectives, and work to create welcoming and inclusive communities.


This ancient civilization invented toothpaste.

Who were the Ancient Egyptians? - It was made of rock salt, pepper, mint, and dried iris flowers.


I can CHANGE by...

Recognizing & actively investing in what best benefits myself & my communities


This is the next quality that Brewster graduates champion. 

What is Lifelong Learning? - Brewster graduates understand that learning is a lifelong endeavor that is nurtured by curiosity and inquiry.

This bird was once worshipped like a god.

What is the turkey? The Mayan people believed that they served as vessels of the gods 


I can CONNECT by...

Understanding and appreciating relationships & exchanges across time, space, and communities


This is the next quality of a Brewster graduate. 

What is A Sustainable Future? - Brewster graduates are committed to living thoughtfully in order to create a sustainable future for all.


This was the shortest war. 

What is the Anglo-Zanzibar War? = The war between Britain and Zanzibar in 1896 lasted only 38–45 minutes. The war was fought over who would lead Zanzibar.


I can EXPLORE & SHARE by...

Demonstrating curiosity toward the perspectives & Identities of others, as well as my own.


This is the final quality of a Brewster graduate. 

What is Global Citizenship? - Brewster graduates appreciate the interconnectedness of all humanity and advance good citizenship in all aspects of their lives.


This condiment was sold in the 1830s as medicine.

What is ketchup? - It was sold as a cure for an upset stomach by an Ohio physician named John Cook. It wasn't popularized as a condiment until the late 19th century!



Writing, speaking, collaborating, & listening with purpose & intent


Brewster graduates are:

What is - Caring, Curious, Creative and Persistent in their Pursuit of Purpose?


This animal was put on trial and then executed in France in 1386. 

What was a pig? - In the Middle Ages, a pig attacked a child who went to die later from their wounds. The pig was arrested, kept in prison, and then sent to court where it stood trial for murder, was found guilty, and then executed by hanging.