U.S. Imperialism/WW1
1920's/Great Depression/New Deal
Cold War
Civil Rights Movement
Two causes of the Spanish American War in 1898
What is the sinking of the USS Maine, Yellow Journalism
This phrase is used to describe the era right before the Great Depression began
What is the "Roaring Twenties"
This person led the very first march on Washington in 1941 for freedom and jobs
Who is A. Phillip Randolph
At least three countries that fell to Communism during the Cold War
What is North Korea, Vietnam, Cuba, and China
Court Case that determined "separate but equal" is no longer valid
What is Brown v. BOE
This document was edited by Teddy Roosevelt to become more aggressive and allow for greater American involvement into Latin America if need be.
What is the Monroe Doctrine
The result of widespread drought and overuse of farmland in the Plains region of the U.S.
What is Dust Bowl
The method of moving from island to island liberating each from Japanese control
What is island hopping
The two events that happened in Cuba that nearly brought about World War 3
What is the Bay of Pigs Invasion and the Cuban Missile Crisis
At least two organizations that used nonviolent protests as a means of achieving civil rights
What is the SNCC and the SCLC
This was built by immigrant labor and helped to create a waterway system of trade that linked the Great Lakes and the Atlantic coast
What is the Erie Canal
FDR’s plan of relief, recovery, and reform created to help the economy and people of America
What is the New Deal
The series of acts aimed at keeping America out of World War 2
What are the neutrality acts
The plan used to help rebuild and invest in reconstruction and economic help for Europe after World War 2
What is the Marshall Plan
The act that was signed into law by LBJ that ended racial discrimination in public facilities
What is Civil Rights Act of 1964
The three main reasons that led to U.S. involvement in WWI
What is the sinking of the Lusitania, unrestricted submarine warfare, and the zimmerman telegram
FDR's attempt to add more justices to the Supreme Court in order to help pass his new deal plans and programs
What is court packing
The two theaters (places) of war during WW2, and at least one important battle from each
What are the Pacific and European Theaters, and what is Midway and D-Day
This document gave the U.S. permission to interfere in foreign nations who were in jeopardy of falling to communism
What is the Truman Doctrine
The court case that overturned segregation in public schools
What is Brown V. Board of Education 1954
This document helped influence the terms of the Treaty of Versailles at the end of WW1, and laid out a peace plan for the future
What is Wilson's Fourteen Points
The man known as the greatest critic of FDR's New Deal, and a champion of the poor
Who is Huey Long
The project responsible for the development of the atomic bomb, and the scientist that was in charge of it
What is the Manhattan Project and who is Robert Oppenheimer
The senator responsible for the 2nd Red Scare and the belief that communists had infiltrated our government
Who is Joseph McCarthy
The legislation that ended poll taxes, literacy tests, and other means of voter discrimination
What is the Voting Rights Act of 1965