Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
In the late 1800s, Japan began to develop a modern economy & society under the Meiji Restoration. This laid the ground work for
What is Japan's rapid recovery after World War 2, to become the third-largest economy in the world.
The devastating natural disaster that took place in Japan in 2011 was a
What is Tsunami.
Which answer best explains the Chinese "Mandate of Heaven"?
What is Emperors only lead until losing favor with the gods & goddesses.
Europe and the United States wanted access to China and Japan in the 1800s because
What is They desired to become trading partners with both Asian countries
What has led to China's increased demand for electrical power in the last 20 years?
What is China's economy has become so strong that the average citizen has more buying power to purchase products powered by electricity
In the 1980s, China adopted major reforms of its economic system. It moved
What is From communism to a mixed economy with more free-market characteristics
The most important migration in China today is
What is From countryside to urban areas
China's economy has grown since the 1970s because
What is Chinese leaders allowed private ownership and foreign investment.
For centuries, China was isolated and not a major economic force. Today, China has one of the fastest growing economies in the world because
What is The marketplace & the consumer play a greater role in the economy while the government has allowed more private ownership & foreign investment
Why is the Huang He River described both as China's blessing and curse?
What is The river is a key to irrigation for China's wheat-farming area but regularly floods its basin.
What two historical events demonstrate the most social change in China?
What is The Great Leap Forward & the Cultural Revolution
How did Japan become the dominant empire in East Asia in the early 1900s?
What is They won wars versus China and Russia.
Which factor best explains why Japan has established a strict codes for new building construction?
What is It is located on the Ring of Fire.
People living in East Asia have adapted to the changes to the physical environment caused by the proximity to the Pacific Ring of Fire by
What is Using special building methods, warning systems, and emergency preparedness to help reduce casualties.
The three main islands of Japan are
What is Kyushu, Honshu, and Hokkaido.
The Japan Ocean Current brings ________ for the summer monsoon and the Kuril Ocean Current causes ________ in Hokkaido.
What is moisture; fog.
China's Three Gorges Dam is the largest in the world. It has many supporters & critics. In terms of how it might affect her work, a factory owner might support the dam mainly because
What is Improved the reliability of electricity throughout China
China resists other countries' desires that it improve the human rights of its people because it believes that such policies are not the business of foreigners. The United States and other countries have argued that
What is All people everywhere have certain basic human rights, which all governments must respect.
Environmental issues found in China include
What is Air pollution & deforestation.