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These acts passed after Upton Sinclair released his novel The Jungle.

What is the Pure Food and Drug Act and the Drug Inspection Act?


What is the place of entertainment that people from all walks of like could come in and see endless shows?

What is Vauderville?


The US attacked this country under the allegations that the foreign country had "weapons of mass destruction," and also left with no post war plan for the civilians.

What is Iraq?


Russia, France, and Great Britain made up this alliance while Germany, Austria-Hungary, and Turkey made up this alliance during WWI

What are the Allied Powers and the Central Powers?


The 18th Amendment passed this Act, but the 21st repealed it later

What is Prohibition?


These were Causes of the Great Depression in America. 

What were the Economic Depression in Europe, Unequal Distribution of Wealth, Deflation, Stock Market Crash, and the Dust Bowl?


This case stated that segregation did not violate the equal protection clause of the 14th Amendment. 

What is Plessy vs. Ferguson?


The Double V Campaign was hoping to achieve these 2 things.

What is Freedom for the oppressed in Europe and full freedom for African-American People in the US?


The belief that if one Country turns to communism, all neighboring countries will follow suit.

What is the domino effect?


Where the US, Great Britain, and the Soviet Union met to split up Germany.

What is the Yalta Conference?


Focused on Poverty and racial equality, and started the presidency of LBJ successfully. 

What is the Great Society?


The Scandal that causes the first resignation from Presidency in US History.

What is Watergate?


The New Right Conservatism Focused on these three things.

What are Anti-Communism, Free Market Economics, and Religious Conservatism?


The major goals of this were to Conserve Natural Recourses, Control Corporations, and Protect Consumers.

What is Teddy Roosevelt's Square Deal? 


These were the names of of big business and corporation owners, nicknamed, "robber barons" by the people.

What are tycoons?


The place where many immigrants heading to the US would have to stop at, and would undergo extensive examinations, first being found on the East Coast, the other on the West Coast.

What are Ellis Island and Angel Island?


This is known as the time period at the end of Reconstruction until the beginning of the progressive era. 

What is the Gilded Age?


This policy, including non-intervention and wishing to stay out of foreign affairs was used by what country during WWI and who was the leader of this Country?

What is the United States and who is Woodrow Wilson?


People who became more independent and gained more freedom after the passage of an amendment passed in 1919.

Who were the Twenties Women?


The president considered too slow and too inactive during a period of time in US history where the economy struggled greatly. (He had some shack towns named after him)

Who was Herbert Hoover?


The group of people, including African-Americans, Mexicans, Union workers, Social Welfare Supporters, and anti-big business takeovers, that emerged during the time of FDR's Presidency.

What is the New Deal Coalition?


The First New Deal focuses on these short term issues while the Second New Deal Focuses on these long term issues.

What are Recovery to the economy, relief to the unemployed, and regulation to banks and financial institutions/ what are Social Welfare Programs, lowering taxes and increasing government spending, and putting money into the hands on citizens to spend into the economy?


The people who took risky rides throughout interstate borders, and were often met with violence as they exited vehicles?

Who were the Freedom Riders?


The place where similar actions are occurring today, protests against violence, and resulted in the death of 4 people.

What is Kent State?


The National Security officer during Reagan's presidency had full blame put on him after being accused of causing this event. (Thanks communists)

What is the Iran-Contra affair?