He crossed the Rubicon, attacking his own country
Who is Julius Caesar
This declared martial law and allowed the Senate to get rid of its enemies without a trial.
What is the "Last Decree".
Caesar was killed in this year.
What is 42 BC
Octavian defeated Marc Antony and Cleopatra in this battle.
What is Actium.
Julius Caesar fought an eight year war in order to take over this region.
What is Gaul.
As the nephew of Caesar, he claimed to be Caesar's rightful heir and became a member of the 2nd Triumvirate.
Who is Octavian
Cicero was elected consul in this year.
What is 63 BC
The Caesarians defeated the Republicans in this battle, allowing them to firmly establish their power in Rome.
What is the Battle of Philippi.
Pompey saw his last day here.
What is on a boat attempting to reach the shores of Egypt.
This man was a good friend of Caesar and a Senator; he led the conspiracy to kill Caesar
Who is Brutus.
A group of three people ruling.
What is a triumvirate.
Caesar crossed the border of his province and declared war on Rome in this year.
What is (January 11) 49 BC.
Caesar chased down Pompey in Greece and defeated him in this battle; he then fled to Egypt and was killed.
Daily Double
What is Pharsalus.
The second part of the Battle of Philippi was fought in order to gain control of this important port town; everyone needs supplies!
What is Neapolis.
While consul, he discovered a conspiracy to overthrow the government and decided to execute the conspirators without trial. Daily Double
Who is Cicero
This is the peace that Octavian/Augustus achieved in Rome after years of war.
What is the Pax Romana.
The Roman peace under Augustus begins in this year.
What is 27 BC.
Caesar's book about his eight year war in the northern territories.
What is "The Gallic Wars".
Casear saw his "friends" for the last time here.
What is outside a theatre built by Pompey; near a statue of Pompey.
He is the third member of the 2nd Triumvirate; not related to Caesar.
Who is Lepidus.
This is the title that Augustus took when claiming to be the son of a god.
What is Divi Filius
The battle of Philippi where the Republicans are defeated takes place in this year.
What is 42 BC
Antony built this in order to cross the marsh and defeat Cassius in their final battle against each other; Cassius fell on his sword when he lost.
What is a causeway.
When Caesar became consul, he made a deal with the Senate that he would rule this area for a guaranteed five years.
What is Cisalpine Gaul.