Influence in Wars
Economic changes
Reactions to War
Progressive movements

This even brought the United States from a place of neutrality to offensive in WW1

What is the German use of U-boats to sink the Lusitania


Plan made by FDR to establish recovery from the Great Depression.

What is the New Deal?


After the 1920's most of American's switched from coal to this power source.

What is electricity?


A group made of the Allied Nations after WW1 to promote peace and unity.

What is the League of Nations?


A liberal movement in the 50's and 60's that challenged conservative status quo of race relations in the U.S.

What is the Civil Rights Movement?


This battle was the last German offensive in WW2.

What is Battle of the Bulge?


This policy was the United States attempt after WW1 to improve relations with Latin America.

What is "Good Neighbor Policy"?


This event wasn't the cause of the Great Depression but was a signal of the beginning of it.

What is the Stock Market Crash?


This was an anti-communist crusade that was more lies than truth and was brought to life from Cold War paranoia.

What is McCarthyism?


This bill was enacted to support veterans in attending college, buying homes and starting businesses.

What is the GI Bill?


An event during the Vietnam War that showed the Viet Cong could attack anywhere at anytime.

What is the Tet Offensive?


Taft's political policy that promised investment in American business in Latin America.

What is "dollar diplomacy"?


These two parts of trade caused loss of manufacturing in the U.S.

What is mechanization and globalization?


This event signified the end of the Cold War.

What is the destruction of the Berlin Wall?


She is the first woman to be appointed as a Supreme Court Justice in U.S. history.

Who is Sandra Day O'Conner?