Government Era
Relocation Naming

What type of whales were whalers after?

Bowhead whales and sperm whales

What is the name of the main trading company in the Arctic?

Hudson's Bay Co. 


Which two groups were involved in converting Inuit to Christianity?

Anglicans and Catholics


Who provided relief for Inuit before the government/mounties?

Traders and missionaries


When was project Surname?



What products were made out of whales? (List 3)

Soap, corsets, perfume, carriage whips, street lamps, bicycle tires, etc.


what was the main fur that Inuit traded with trappers?

Fox furs


Where and when was the first mission set up?

Umanarjuaq/ Blacklead Island in 1895 (late 1800s)

What were the 2 government arguments towards providing Inuit with services?

1. let the natives be native

2. Inuit are already involved in the southern economy/ impacted by qallunaat/ they are canadian citizens so we should provide them with services


(HIGH ARCTIC) Where were Inuit relocated from and where were they relocated to?

They were relocated from Inukjuak and Pond Inlet to Resolute Bay and Grise Fiord


Why did the whaling era end? (2 reasons)

1. Whale populations were down

2. New materials replaced whale products, ex. electricity, plastic, fuel.


What was the risk with the fur trade?

Fur prices and fox populations aren't stable. Sometimes they are worth a lot or they are worth nothing. Sometimes there are a lot of foxes or there are few.


How did missionaries convince Inuit to convert to Christianity?

1. Challenging shamans

2. medical care

3. convincing women and children to join with tea and biscuits/ less taboos


How was Canadian law introduced to Inuit? And why was it confusing for Inuit?

1.Court cases around the north.

2. Language barrier, guilty not guilty, they didn't feel like they did anything wrong


Why were some people upset about Inuit receiving last names?

-It wasn't traditional for Inuit to have last names/ followed European naming

-They felt it erased Inuit womens' identities because they took their husbands last names

-If they weren't home their last name was picked for them

List an Inuit belief about whaling

1. women had to stay still without moving

2. couldn't brag about hunting

3. loose kamik laces


How were Inuit lifestyles impacted by trading?  (List 3 impacts)

-rifles, access to goods, changes to hunting, rich/poor, changes to routes


What was the ritual Inuit did to show that they converted to Christianity? and what was it called?

Siqqitirniq- they cut up all the pieces of food that were taboo and ate them


How did tuberculosis impact Inuit families?

Families separated, moms gone no clothes, cooking, taking care of kids.

Dads, no one to hunt, no $

Kids, loss of language

Unmarked graves, etc.


Why did Inuit who were relocated feel lied to by the RCMP? List 3

1. They were told they could stay with their families

2. They were told they were going to a paradise

3. They were told they could leave after a year or 2


Name 3 impacts of the whaling era on Inuit

nicknames, accordian, mixed kids, stis, changes to hunting, tea and goods


Explain the boom and bust of the fur trade. When were they, and what happened? how did it affect Inuit?

Boom- 1920s ppl had money to spend in the south, bought furs. Inuit made lots of $

Bust 1930s- great depression no $, fox furs were worthless.


What impacts did missionaries have on Inuit? list 3

1. reading and writing syllabics

2. families/communities separated because of anglican/ catholic rivalry

3. loss of Inuit religious beliefs

4. Sannataili/ no working on sundays

5. less taboos for women


What was forced the government to start providing services to Inuit? And why was it a big deal?

Supreme court case ruling Inuit were "Indians"

It meant that the government had to start providing for Inuit relief, education, and healthcare


Why did the government relocate Inuit to the high arctic?

1. to protect arctic sovereignty

2. so that Inuit could be independent/ not rely on relief