World History
American History
European History
Military History
Peaceful History

The Roman Empire reached Egypt and Britain. True or False

True, The Roman Empire was BIG


Who was the second president of the U.S.A.

John Adams (1797-1801)


what was the first country to get invaded in World War II

Poland was invaded and captured on September 28, 1939 after the Polish government fled and surrendered Poland to German and Soviet forces


Where was the Titanic heading for on its maiden voyage

New York City


What Year was the Supreme Court Established



What year was King Louis the 16th executed during the French Revolution



What was the 14th state to join the U.S.A.

Vermont in 1791


What was the French Republic's goverment Called after being taken over by Germany during World War Two

Vichy France


What is the largest branch in the military

The Amy


when was the first living animal sent to space

In 1957 the Soviet Union sent a satellite named Sputnik II to space. On board was a dog named Laika. Don't worry the dog was ok and came down safely to earth.


What was the turning point of the Revolutionary War

The battle of Saratoga


How Many Wars were in the Napoleonic Wars (1803-1815)

Seven Main Wars: War of the First Coalition- War of the Seventh Coalition

There is also the Invasion of Russia in 1812 and I think that's in it Napoleonic Wars but most people think of the War of the Coalitions.


Who made the plan to invade France through Belgium instead o going through the main border in WWI

Alfred Von Schlieffen created the Schlieffen plan which was to travel through Belgium to avoid France's strong forts. The plan also included taking troops from the Eastern Front to the Western Front so that only 1/8 of the German army was on the Front with Russia.


What year did humans domesticate cats (Its not an exact year)

Around 7500 B.C.