Gilded Age
Progressive Era
Great Depression
Cold War

This industry saw rapid growth, transforming America's economy and landscape.

What is the Railroad Industry?


This movement aimed to address societal issues caused by rapid industrialization, urbanization, and immigration during the late 19th century.

What is the Progressive Era?


The event that sparked the outbreak of the war in 1914.

What was the Assassination of Archduke Ferdinand?


The catastrophic event that began the stock market crash of 1929 that began the great Depression.

what was The Wall Street Crash of 1929?


The two main superpowers involved in the cold war.

What is The US and the Soviet Union?


The infamous financial scandal that rocked Wall Street in 1869, involving the manipulation for gold prices.

What is Black Friday?


Name of the muckraking journalist who exposed corruption and injustices in his book "The Jungle."

Who is Upton Sinclair?


The name of the alliance that consisted of Germany, Austria-Hungary, and Italy during WWI 

What was The Triple Alliance?


The name given to the makeshift communities of homeless people during the depression.

What are Hoovervilles?


The term that describes the period of tension, competition and conflict between the US and the USSR from the late 1940s to the 1990s

What was the Cold War?


A prominent figure known for his steel empire, became one of the wealthiest individuals at the time.

Who is Andrew Carnegie?


This amendment ratified in 1920, granted women the right to vote, a significant achievement of the era.

What is the 19th Amendment?


The battle fought in 1916 known as the one of the bloodiest in history and resulted in over 1 million casualties.

What was The Battle Of Somme?


This US president's new deal programs aimed to provide relief, recovery, and reform during the depression.

Who is Franklin D Roosevelt?


The Policy that the US adapted to contain the spread of communism.

What was the Containment Policy?


The name of the period of political corruption, corporate greed, and social inequality that characterized America in the late 19th century.

What is The Gilded Age?


The US president, known for his "Square Deal" policies, that spearheaded progressive reforms aimed at busting trusts and regulating big business. 

Who is Theodore Roosevelt?


The name of the policy proposed by Germany to Mexico encouraging them to join the war against the US in exchange for the return of lost territories.

What was The Zimmerman Telegram?


The term that describes the sever drought that devastated the great plains during the 1930s

What was the Dust Bowl?


The name of the military alliance formed by western European nations and the US to counter the threat of communism.

What is NATO?


This labor organization, founded in 1869, sought to improve the lives of American workers during the Gilded Age through strikes and bargaining. 

What are the Knights Of Labor?


The legislation passed in 1906 aimed the ensure the safety of food and drugs in the US, marking a significant victory for consumer protection.

What is The Pure Food and Drug act?


The treaty signed in 1919 that ended the war and imposed heavy penalties on Germany.

What was The Treaty of Versailles?


The economic theory that called for government  intervention to stimulate demand during economic downturn.

What is Keynesian Economics?


This 1962 crisis brought the world to the brink of nuclear war when the US discovered Soviet missiles in Cuba

What was the Cuban Missile Crisis?