The Tudors
The Enlightenment
Qing China
Revolutions (American, French, and Haitian)
Connecting Empires (Unit 1)

Wrote the 95 theses and questioned the Catholic Church. 

Who is Martin Luther?


Englightenment philospher who wrote "A Vindication of the Rights of Woman"

Who is Mary Wollstonecraft?


Up to 10 million Chinese people experienced addiction to this drug. 

What is opium? 


This assembly voted to depose Louis XVI, until allowing the Nation Convention to convict him of treason and end the monarch officially.

What was the National Assembly?


This plague occurred during the 14th century, and resulted in an extreme decrease in population (perhaps 50% of Europe's 14th century population) 

What was the Black Death?


Monarch known as "The Virgin Queen." 

Who is Queen Elizabeth I? 


An enlightenment philosopher that identified three types of governmental power (Judicial, legislative, and executive) 

Who was Montesquieu? 


A treaty that legalized Christianity, opened five Chinese ports with free trade, and took over Hong Kong. 

What was the 1842 Treaty of Nanjing?


This political and military leader was born in Corsica, attended military academy in Paris, and was appointed to report directly to the Commitee of Public Safety. 

Who was Napoleon?


The lack of technological innovations demonstrated through the travels of Ibn Battuta and Benjamin of Tudela. 

What was the biological old regime?


A catholic monarch who burned hundreds of Protestants at the stake. 

Who was Mary I? 

Enlightenment philosopher who wrote that "Being all equal and independent, no one ought to harm another in his life, health, liberty, or possessions." 

Who is John Locke? 


A 1793 British trade mission to China seeking freer trade, a British embassy, opening of more ports, and a British trading base. 

What was the Macartney Embassy? 


This monarch was pressured by nobles to attempt to close the National Assembly by force, sparking upheaval accross France. 

Who was Louis XVI?


The end of this dynasty was influenced by earthquakes, typoons, and droughts, leading to famine and increased deaths in China during the fourteenth century. Zhu Yuanzhang began the Ming Dynasty, overthrowing this past dynasty. 

What was the Mongol-Yuan Dynasty?


The names of all of Henry VIII's wives.

Who are Catherine of Aragon, Anne Boleyn, Jane Seymour, Anne of Cleves, Catherine Howard, and Catherine Parr? 


Enlightenment philosopher who said that "Common sense is not so common."

Who is Voltaire? 

The Qing Emperor that referred to English merchants as "barbarians." 

Who was Emperor Qianlong? 


The American Revolution began with the ___ Plan of Union in 1754. 

What was the Albany Plan of Union?


Born close to the death of Zheng He, this Muslim Sultan expanded and protected Islam and took the Ottoman Throne at age 12. 

Who was Mehmed II?


An English monarch that encouraged the Protestant Reformation in England, but did not like Martin Luther. 

Who is King Henry VIII?


Locke thought that people were naturally born neither good or bad. ___, however, believed that people were naturally violent. 

Who is Thomas Hobbes? 


Inspired in part by the spread of Christianity, in 1850 this Emperor began the Taiping Rebellion to overthrow the Manchus.

Who is Hong Xiuquan?


Author of The Declaration of the Rights of Women in 1791. 

Who was Olympe de Gouges?


This empire, neighboring the Mali Empire, used Mali's stuggles with succession as an oppurtinty to take control, and eventually became the largest empire in all of West Africa.

What was the Songhai empire?