History 1
History 2
Bonus Inventions
1900s Inventions

group led the nation in a conflict people did not like 

who were the war hawks


old hickory

what nickname did Andrew Jackson receive after fighting in the battle of the horseshoe bend? (What nickname did Andrew Jackson receive?


in the 1800s, many workers went on strike to get paid

What were Labor Unions/ Strikes.


In the 1800s, the rise of a new fuel was born

What is Crude Oil


This was built is the 1900s and almost put the shipping and freight train business out of business.

What is the Aeroplane


one third of the Cherokee died on the journey others had to start a new life

What were some of the effects of the trail of tears on Cherokees?


He was president in 1830 AND signed the Indian removal act.

Who was Andrew Jackson?


In 1910s-1920s a big event happened

What is World War 1?


In the 1899, this different form of engine was made to be a lot cheaper, but uses a different fuel.

What is the hybrid engine


This was used for warfare initially, but found a home in science. Type of transportation

What is the rocket


This person was leader of the Cherokees to stay on the land

Who was chief Ross and what did he fight for?


Some of the Cherokee leaders agreed to accept western land and payment in exchange.

What was the treaty of the New Echota? 


In the 1938-1945, the event from 1910-1920 was so big, that there was a sequel 

What is World War 2


This made travel easy during the 1800s, especially cross country

What is the Steam Engine Train?


This was used to make sure no one got out of their country illegally

What are Passports.


Andrew Jackson bought Chickasaw land

What was the Jackson Purchase?


General Andrew Jackson did...

Which leader surrendered at the battle of the buffs?


In history for many centuries, there is a year that is been judged as the year of humanities extinction. The year has already passed.

What is 2012?


This was something of the future, and in our society it is advanced, you can even send mail through it

What was the telephone?


this is an invention that not many people think about as far as travel, but was an option back then. Large and filled with Helium, could travel for many many miles. One ended up exploding and caused this business to shut down.

What is the Hindenburg and the Zeppelins (blimps can be an answer)