What is a Conquistador?
A person that is out to conquer new territory.
What is a Creole?
It means being of European and Black descent from the Caribbean lands.
What is a Precedent?
It is an event or action.
What is a Pueblo?
A town or village.
What is A Mestizo?
It is a mixed race mostly Spanish and indigenous descent.
What is a Town Meeting?
It is an assembly of government authorities.
What is a Presideo?
It is a Military post under Spanish control.
What is a Encomienda?
An assembly.
What are the Acts of Toleration?
It is when a certain people have freedom to worship.
What is a Mission?
An assignment carried out for a specific reason.
What is the Northwest Passage?
It is a water rought.
What is a Peninsular?
A land surrounded by water or a body of water.
What is an Alliance?
It is a union between countries.