
what is a compromise? 

reach an agreement by giving up something or to expose someone to disgrace, suspicion, or danger


What is the 14 Amendment? 

granted citizenship to all people born or naturalized in the United States, including formerly enslaved people.


What was Johnson’s Reconstruction Plan???

Wealthy southerners and former confederate officials would need a presidential pardon to receive amnesty


What was Sectionalism??

the idea that a region of a country has unique characteristics and values, and that loyalty to that region is more important than loyalty to the country as a whole


What was Segregation

To separate black white people


What was the Missouri compromise? 

The Missouri Compromise was a law passed in 1820 that temporarily settled a national debate over slavery in new states


what is the 13 Amendment?

The 13th Amendment to the United States Constitution abolished slavery and involuntary servitude in the United States, except as punishment for a crime


What was the Lincoln’s 10% Plan?

 Only 10% of the former southern people have to commit loyalty


What is a status quo??

the existing state of affairs, especially regarding social or political issues.


What was Booker T Washington and his ideas on education??

Booker T. Washington's ideas on education centered on the belief that Black Americans needed a practical, vocational education to help them progress in society


What was the Kansas Nebraska Act?

was a law passed in 1854 that created the territories of Kansas and Nebraska, repealed the Missouri Compromise, and allowed for popular sovereignty


What dose it mean when they say Ratify?

sign or give formal consent to (a treaty, contract, or agreement), making it officially valid.


What was the Dred Scott vs Sandford for????

Dred Scott v. Sandford was a landmark 1857 Supreme Court case that ruled that enslaved people and their descendants were not citizens of the United States


what was the Radical Republicans Reconstruction Plan???

Radical Republicans controlled Congress in 1867 and required Confederate (Southern) States to do the following


What was the Grandfather Clause

A grandfather clause is a legal provision that allows people or entities to continue following old rules or conditions, while new rules apply to all future cases.


What was the compromise of 1850?

he Compromise of 1850 was a series of five laws passed in September 1850 that attempted to resolve disputes over slavery in new territories acquired after the Mexican-American War


What dose Amnesty mean?

Most Confederate citizens would receive amnesty, excluding high-ranking military leaders.


What was Frederick Douglass Known for??

Frederick Douglass was known for writing against slavery


What was the Freedmen’s Bureau??

The Bureau built over 1,000 schools and spent over $400,000 on teacher training. Some of the historically Black colleges and universities that received aid from the Bureau include Fisk University, Hampton University, and Dillard University.


What was a poll tax 

a tax levied on every adult, without reference to income or resources.


What was integration? 

To bring them all lands together


What was the 15 Amendment? 

prohibits the federal government and states from denying a citizen's right to vote based on race, color, or previous condition of servitude


What was Bloody Kansas?

Bleeding Kansas  was a period of violent conflict in Kansas Territory from 1854 to 1861 between pro-slavery and anti-slavery forces


What was the point of Plessy vs Ferguson?

 It was to established the constitutionality of racial segregation laws, as long as the facilities for people of color were equal in quality to those of white people


WHAT WAS WEB Du Bois and his ideas on education

W.E.B. Du Bois believed that education was a path to freedom and a key to social and human advancement for African Americans