spiritual leader who is known as buddha
Who is Siddhartha Gautama?
a new take on Confucious ideas
What is Neo Confucianism?
winner clan that competed for land and power
Who is the Yamato Clan?
border between two plates, that has volcanoes and earthquake circles
What is the Ring of Fire?
a chain of islands
What is a archipelago?
someone who is a regent for an empress
Who is Prince Shotoku?
basic teaching that all things should follow the dao
What is Daoism
Who is the Fujiwara?
What is Japan
someone who governs a country in the name of a ruler who is unable to rule
What is a regent?
a person who did 7 sea voyages
Who is Zheng He?
all life involves suffering and he way to ease suffering is giving up desires
What is Buddhism?
when Kublai Khan, sent officials to Japan to demand a tribute
What was the Mongols that threaten Japan?
One of the three ancient kingdoms that united Korea
What is The Silla
supreme military leader
What is a shogun?
base his religion on his peace and stability philosophy
Who is Confucious
system of moral behavior
What is Confucianism?
other clans envied and resented the Fujiwaras', and clans began to raise private armies
What are the clans that battle for power?
a country that started with 3 kingdoms
What is Korea?
agreement among the members of a group
What is consensus?
Who is Minamoto Yoritomo?
most famous type of buddhism
What is Zen Buddhim?
emperor that lived in heian began losing power
What is the power that shifts in Japan?
a conglomeration of several peninsulas located between China and India
What is Southeast Asia?
a symbolic leader
What is a figurehead?