section 1
section 1&2
section 2&3
section 2,3&4
section 4
government funded building projects
What is public works
there were two laws passed one that payed farmers to grow less crops and that companies in the same industry work together
What is agricultural adjustment act and national industry recovery act
the two people that caused a slim threat for FDR's next election one said he was not doing enough and the other person said he was doing too much
Who is Senator Huey P. Long and Father Charles Coughlin
first african american man to become a judge and the first woman to become a head of an executive department
Who is Francis Perkins and William Haste
called on the president to cut taxes, balance the budget, and return power to the states
Who were the anti-new deal senators
FDR used the radio to communicate with American people
What is Fireside chats
provided winter employment to 4 million workers but was closed the following spring so people would not rely on the government for jobs
What is the civil works administration
gave people money immediately which then led to the most successful administration in history the works progress administration
What is the federal emergency relief administration
the plan that made FDR lose supporters. his plan was to put more judges on the supreme court
What is the court packing plan
The three goals were relief, recovery, reforms.
What is the new deal
produces the energy throughout Tennessee and parts of other states, also controlled floods and aided navigation and shipping along the Tennessee river
What is the Tennessee Valley Authority
taking monthly payments out of your paychecks
What is social security
the guy who thought deficit spending could provide jobs and stimulate the economy
Who is John Maynard Keynes
insured peoples bank accounts
What is the fdic
law that gave government official power to examine all banks, determine it's situation, and take steps to correct problems
What is the Emergency Banking Act
sought to solve unemployment for young men 18-25
What is the civilian conservation cooperation
this brought farmers to power and another act was created later to help the poorest tenant farmers and sharecroppers calked the Farm Tenancy Act, the farm security administration also focused on the lives of tenant farmers and sharecroppers
What is the Rural Electrification Act
which war put an end to great depression
What is world war II
government watchdog over the stock market
What is the securities and exchange commission
provided government insurance for depositors savings which led to securities and exchange commision
What is FDIC
FDR's deal for the next 100 days
What is the second deal
the two people who FDR ignored because he did not see them as serious threats in his reelection
Who is Alf Landon and Francis Townsend
which act established minimum wage which is the lowest amount you can pay a worker
What is the fair labor standards act
became permanent fixtures in the american government 2 things
What is social security and unemployment insurance