important figures
famous quotes
important events
orgin of canadian places
old flags
this African American women was an abolitionist, humanitarian, and, during the American Civil War, a Union spy.
Who is harriet tubman
a quote from john a Macdonald goes let us be -blank, let us be -blank- lets us be -blank- but most importantly let us be Canadian!
What is french and canadian
this conference was held in 1864 and was the first step into Canadian confederation
What is the charlotte town conference
mount royal gave this Canadian city its name
What is montreal
the old french tri colour flag changed the green and pink to these 2 colours
What is blue and red
the first mayor of Toronto's middle name is a good representation of his fierceness as the leader of the upper Canada rebellion in 1837
Who is william lyon mackenzie
“Canada first, Canada last, Canada always.” Said the 7th prime minister.
Who is sir wilfrid laurier
in 1841 an act of a union unites upper and lower Canada to become the blank of Canada
What is province
AWNSER THERE THE DAILY DOUBLE!!!! the word Kanata was what the Iroquois used to mean this in their Iroquois-huron language
What is village
the old Canadian union flag still remains the flag for this european country
What is the UK
1st Baronet, PC was a Canadian statesman and Father of Confederation. Also shares the same last name with the best explorer around
Who is george etienne cartier
I love being Canadian. I think growing up in Canada gives you a world perspective that I certainly enjoy. Said the star of academy award nominated film half nelson
Who is ryan gosling
in 1859 the cornerstones to this monumental building was placed
What are the parliment buildings
1834 Toronto got its named changed from this
What is york
this flag was created in 1902 and closely resembles the current flag for the province
What is Quebec
This man was the founder of Manitoba and led 2 resistances against the Canadian government. He fought to preserve the metis people rights.
Who is louis reil
this prime minister during a debate had a clever rebuttal when alexander Mackenzie said "is this who you want running your country, a drunk", after the candidate threw up he replied "I get sick not from drink but because I am forced to listen to the ranting of my honorable opponent "
Who is sir john A macdonald
in 1857 this queen appoints Ottawa as the capital
Who is queen victoria
July 20, 1871 the day this province got its name from this river
What is the columbia river
This flag was the flag for queens university which is in this Ontario city
What is kingston Ontario
this lesser know figure was Canada's 6th prime minister and lead Halifax to confederation. his reign as PM is the shortest to this day at 69 days
Who is charles tupper
the third Candian prime minister John Abbot has this strong emotion for politics that is another word for loathe
What is hate
this conference was the second meeting held in 1864 to discuss Canadian Confederation
What is the quebec conference
Bytown became this historic Canadian city
What is Ottawa
Canada's current flag was created in this year
What is 1865