Bacon’s Rebellion
What was an uprising in Virginia triggered by economic struggles of freed indentured servants and land disputes with Native American.
What is the colony found in 1620 by pilgrims seeking religious freedom?
John Smith
Who was the leader of Jamestown?
Joint stock companies
What was a common way to raise funds for a colony?
What group of people settled in Pennsylvania?
Staple crops
What are crops that are always needed?
What was the colony found by William Penn as a safe haven for Quakers?
William Penn
Who founded Pennsylvania?
What were colonies under the control of the British king or queen?
What religious group of people settled in Maryland?
Plantation farming of tobacco, cotton, and rice.
What is the industry of the Southern Colonies?
Rhode Island
What colony was founded by Rodger Williams to promote religious freedom and separation of the church and state?
Rodger Williams
Who founded Rhode Island?
Mayflower Compact
What was signed in 1620 by the pilgrims as an agreement to form a government based on majority rule (layed out a self government).
Freedom of religion
What religious group of people settled in Rhode Island?
lumber, shipbuilding, and international trade.
What did the New England colonies rely on for economic perserverence?
What colony was established in 1607 for economic purposes and was the first English settlement in North America?
John White
Who founded Roanoke?
The House of Burgesses
What form of government was the first representative assembly in the American colonies?
What is North Carolina?
Agriculture trade in wheat, barley, and other grains.
What made up the economy of the Middle Colonies?
What was the colony found by James Oglethorpe as a haven for debtors and was a buffer against Spanish Florida?
James Oglethorpe
Who founded Georgia?
Fundamental Orders of Connecticut
What was the first written constitution in North America?
What is Massachusetts?