wrote and copied religious and literary texts
specifically treated bodies wrapped in cloth
The Third Dynasty began the period in Egyptian history called the ______ Kingdom.
Why did the Egyptians build their pyramids to be grand and spectacular?
they believed they reflected a pharaoh's importance
*they were filled with art, jewelry, and other treasures that Egyptians believed the dead enjoyed in the afterlife
Why did the people of Egypt blame the pharaoh if crops did not grow or if disease struck?
because they believed him to be both ruler and God
What animal are we recognizing on Thursday?
Rosetta Stone
large slate of stone that provided a Greek text that matched the early Egyptian writing and was used by historians and archaeologists to cypher hieroglyphics
Egyptians believed that a person's _____ left the body and became a spirit after death.
In 2050 BC a powerful pharaoh reunited Egypt and began the ___________ Kingdom.
Egypt's first pharaoh
Slaves in Egypt differed from most slaves because they
had some rights and could sometimes ear their freedom
Which author are we celebrating today, Tuesday?
Eric Carle
long-lasting, paperlike material made from reeds
branches of the Nile fanned out to form a triangle-shaped area of soil deposited by a river
kingdom south of Egypt
Female pharaoh who stole the position from her step-son. Increased trade and built many monuments to herself.
Queen Hatshepsut
What factor contributed most to the growth of trade in the New Kingdom?
Egypt's conquest of other lands
Which author are we celebrating tomorrow, Wednesday?
Mo Willems
tall, four-sided pillar that is pointed on top
imaginary creature with the body of a lion and the head of another animal or human
The fertile soil from the Nile River made it well suited for what?
*farmers were the largest group of workers in Egypt
pharaoh who fought the Hittites for many years; known as a great warrior and builder; refused to let God's people go
Ramses (the Great or II)
In Egyptian art, animals were usually drawn realistically while people were represented how?
Upper bodies seen from the side while heads and legs are shown straight on
What special events are we doing Friday?
Read All Day
optional Nacho lunch
rapids along a river
*cataracts and having only a small coastline along the Mediterranean Sea made it difficult to invade Egypt
The application oof scientific knowledge for practical purposes. The Egyptians were advanced in this.
Why did Herodotus call Egypt the gift of the Nile?
it's flooding brought fertility and life to the region
pharaoh best known for monuments built to him
How would you describe people in the Noble class of society?
people from rich and powerful families
Which classmate has a birthday this month?