History of Judaism
Important Figures

What made Judaism different from other religions that existed during ancient times?

it was monotheistic which was different because other religions were polytheistic


Identify and explain one example of antisemitism that we have learned about in this unit:

Blood Libel, Holocaust, Black Death, Egyptian Slavery, Stab in the Back Theory


Where do Jewish people go to practice their religion? What type of leader would you find there?

synagogue, rabbi


What religion did Jesus follow? Who eventually executed him?

Judaism, the Roman government


What is the difference between monotheism & polytheism?

Monotheism is the belief in one god while Polytheism is the belief in many


Why were Jewish people persecuted by the Roman Empire?

for being monotheistic while the Romans were polytheistic


What antisemitic story increased tension between Jewish and Christian peoples during the rise of Christianity?

The false accusation that Jewish people killed Jesus when in reality the Roman government did this


What religion did Moses belong to? How did his upbringing differ from his religion?

Moses was born Jewish but grew up a part of the Egyptian royal family


What is a pogrom

a planned massacre of innocent people


Define genocide and give an example.

Systematic murder of a group with the intention of destruction- 

Holocaust, Colonization of the Americas


What agreement do Jewish people believe that God made with Abraham?

That if he followed God's will and spread the word of God that he and his descendants would have a great nation for their people


What two antisemitic practices did the Nazis recycle from Medieval times?

forcing Jewish people to wear identifying badges & live in ghettos


What role did Abraham play in both the history of Judaism and monotheistic religions in general?

Abraham not only founded Judaism, but monotheism in general


Where do most people who follow Judaism live today? (Two places)

United States and Israel


What does the word Aryan mean? Define it and explain how it was used by the Nazis.

Refers to ancient people from northern India but the Nazis used it to describe their idea of a "perfect" German with blonde hair and blue eyes

What body of water did Moses part as a part of the Exodus? What land were he and his people trying to reach?

Red Sea, Canaan


What event led to the development of "Blood Libel"?

discovery of a murdered 12 year old boy whose death could not be explained


Who do Jewish people believe received God's 10 Commandments & where did this happen?

Moses received them atop Mount Sinai


Provide and explain one example of Jews being used as a scapegoat that we have learned about in this unit.

Blood Libel (murder of the young child), Black Death, Stab in the Back Theory


What is the difference between prejudice and discrimination?

Prejudice is the dislike of a group for reasons that they cannot control. Discrimination is when you act on your prejudice by treating groups differently for reasons that they cannot control.


Give one example of a Jewish holiday and what it celebrates

answers will vary


Where does the stereotype of Jewish people being greedy and money hungry come from?

Jewish people only being able to have jobs connected to the bank and money lending during the Middle Ages


Who was the second king of the Israelites? What connection does this person have to the Biblical figure David?

King Solomon is believed to be the son of King David


What land do Jewish people believe was promised to them by God? (Give BOTH ancient and modern names)

Canaan, Israel


What is the Hebrew Bible? How is it connected to the Christian Bible?

Jewish holy book, same thing as the Old Testament (first half) of Christian Bible