What is tooth decay.
This man made the distinction between premolars and molars
Leonardo da Vinci
He advertised as a dentist in the Boston Newspaper and created some dental instruments
Who is Paul Revere
This man was the first African American to earn a dental degree and he graduated from Harvard University Dental School
Who is Dr. Robert Tanner Freeman
The ADA stands for this
American Dental Association
The first recorded dentist was an Egyptian doctor named this
Who is Hesi-Re
This man organized dental information in a manuscript and showed step-by-step pictures for procedures.
Who is Pierre Fauchard
They were the first two dentists to arrive to the United States and advertised for artificial teeth
Who are Robert Woofendale & John Baker
This man was referred to as the "Grand Old Man of Dentistry" due to his contributions in the dental field from books, articles, and machines and instruments
Who is Dr. Greene Vardiman Black
The ADHA stands for this
Written information about tooth decay was recorded by these two Greeks.
Who are Aristotle and Hippocrates
Who is Josiah Flagg
Known as George Washington's favorite dentist, he believed that tartar came from bad breath and was adamant about regular removal of it for good oral health
Who is John Greenwood
She was the first African-American woman to earn a dental degree from the University of Michigan school of Dentistry
Who is Dr. Ida Gray
This was the first dental specialty board
What is the American Board of Orthodontics (ABO)
What is The Oath of Hippocrates
He is known as the man who invented the first reclining dental chair
Who is James Snell
Baltimore College of Dental Surgery
What is the American Dental Assistants Association (ADAA)
This is the National Board for dental assistants
This man wrote the "Hygienic Rules for Oral Hygiene"
Who is Guy de Chauliac
He adapted a dental foot engine from an idea he got from his mother's spinning-wheel foot pedal
Who is James B. Morrison
She was the first woman to earn a dental degree and graduated from Ohio College of Dental Surgery
Who was Lucy Beaman Hobbs Taylor
He used gold braces and linen and silk threads and wires for the first braces
Who is Pierre Fauchard
OSHA was created by U.S. Congress is 1970 and stands for this
What is the Occupational Safety and Health Administration