17th Century
18th Century
19th Century
19th Century continued...
20-21st Century

The Puritans believed that learning to read was important so that they could ...

What is read the Bible?


What two famous Americans of the 18th century influenced education (2 that we discussed).

Who is Benjamin Franklin and Thomas Jefferson?


The industrial revolution brought issues like poverty-level wages, immigration, poor working conditions and ____________.

What is child labor?


Prior to the Civil War, ____________ of the south were not allowed to be educated.

Who are African Americans/ slaves?


____________ was known for the "Basic Principles of Progressive Education".

Who is John Dewey?


__________was run by respected women who taught reading and writing, providing education for boys and girls.

What is a Dame School?


The group of people that arrived in America and advocated for inclusive education.

What is the Quakers?


___________ was a prominent advocate of common schools and championed the idea of opportunity for all children.

Who is Horace Mann?


____________ and _________were groups of people that were educated by way of assimilation.

Who were the Native Americans and Mexican Americans?


In the 1960's the ______________ concept emerged, focusing on the unique developmental needs of young adolescents and emphasizing developmental appropriateness in curriculum and instruction. (7-9th grade)

What is middle school?


Some children learned a trade or skill through a _____.

What is  an apprenticeship.


Noah Webster was know for__________.

What is publishing the American Spelling Book (First Dictionary of sorts)?

The working class, some business and industry leaders, social groups and people of the frontier were supportive of common schools because...

(list at least one reason)

What is movement of social classes, increased supply of literate and trained workers, less crime and social unrest, keeping leadership and citizenship in the wilderness?


Booker T. Washington promoted _______________ for African Americans and founded the Tuskegee Institute in 1881.

What is Vocational education?


____________ developed her philosophy of early childhood education in Europe in the early 20th century and gained popularity in the U.S. in the 1950's.

Who is Maria Montessori?


_________ was the first college established in the colonies, on September 8, 1636.

What is Harvard?


Yale University, University of Pennsylvania, Brown University, and Dartmouth College were created in the 18th century.  Name one of the three main degrees offered.

What is law, medicine, and/or commerce (business)?


Private schools, some business and industry and some political leaders objected to common schools for reasons such as...

What is, free schools meant fewer private school students, decreased child labor available, and/or overeducated citizens might question authority.

The Morrill Act of 1862 granted land for ___________.

What is Colleges and Universities?


The issue of desegregation emerges with the ruling of
______vs.________ in 1954 declaring segregation in schools as illegal.

What is Brown vs. the Board of Education?


The Massachusetts Act of 1647 mandated that towns with 50 or more households ____________, and towns of 100 families are required to build and maintain ______________.

What is hire a teacher and build and maintain a public elementary school?


The part of our government that is responsible for education matters is ___________.

What is the individual states?


In 1817, Thomas Gallaudet established the first school for the ___________ (the first school for a disability group).

What is school for the deaf?


Several Court Cases of the 19th century, found "Separate but Equal" schooling for ___________ people.

Who are African Americans?


With the ongoing immigration policies, one of the most complex and challenging issues in education currently is ____________________.

What is racial and ethnic diversity in schools.