The skin color you had to have to be able to vote.
What is white?
Year the first president was elected.
What is 1788?
Donald Trump is the ... president.
What is 47th?
The place where you have to be born to be President.
What are the USA?
The gender you had to be to vote in some of the first elections.
What is Male/man/men?
Year women were allowed to vote.
What is 1910?
Year the first president was elected.
What is 1788?
People who live in the USA territory but aren't allowed to vote (one category minimum).
Who are:
-Puerto Ricans,
-people that live in other USA territories
-people that have a current crime held against them?
Years women's voting went valid then invalid.
What are 1883 and 1887?
Event in the year 1965.
What is "African Americans were allowed to vote"?
... ran against George Washington in the first elections.
Who is nobody?
A body of people representing the states of the US, who formally cast votes for the election of the President and Vice-President.
What is the Electoral College?
The place where the first election took place.
What is Athens, Greece?
In 1924 they were given the right to vote.
Who are non-citizen Indians born in the USA?
Someone who didn't think he was worthy of being president.
Who is George Washington?
VRA (meaning of the acronym).
What is the Voting Rights Act?
Two important women who started a crusade through the Oregon and Washington Territories and created the Women's Suffrage Association.
Who are Abigail Scott Duniway and Susan B. Anthony?
States Women's Suffrage Association traveled through.
What are Oregon and Washington (state)?
The first Republican president.
Who is Abraham Lincoln?
A charge of misconduct made against the President.
What is impeachment?