Illness and disease was believed to be caused by _____
What is supernatural beings?
What advances did the Muslim Arab create?
How did researchers propel the medical field?
They stole corpses and dissected them!
What did Louis Pasteur discover?
What was forbidden in the dark ages?
Who was known as the Muslim Hippocrates?
What did Anton Van Leeuwenhoek make and discover?
The first microscope and red blood cells
What did Joseph Lister discover?
Medical Asepsis
What was used as medicine during this time?
herbs and plants
What major advancement was made in the middle ages?
The first true medical school
What did Andreas Vesalius make?
The first human anatomy book
Sir Alexander Fleming discovered?
Who is the Father of Medicine?
How much of Europe's population died as a result of the 2nd Bubonic plague?
What did Robert Hooke prove?
All living things are made of cells
Who developed the Xray machine?
Wilhelm von Roentgen