What is each of us called to be?
Which Greek translation did Jesus use?
Cyrus Cylinder
Who was the man who captured Babylon in Daniel 5?
4000-5000 BC
When does the Bible place creation?
What is the origin of the word, Bible?
What are the original documents of the Bible called?
What language was the OT Written in?
Dead Sea Scrolls
What was found in 1947 by the Shepherds?
1600 years
How many years did it take to write the Bible?
What books are included in the Catholic Bible that are not included in our Bible?
textual criticism
What is the study of comparing manuscripts to assure accuracy called?
Latin Vulgate
Which translation of the Bible was used for about 1000 years?
Merneptah Stele
Where was the name Israel first mentioned in 1200 BC?
When was the King James Version of the Bible published?
Stained glass/cathedrals
How did the common people learn about God and the Bible in the middle ages?
What is the process of copying the Bible called?
Masoretic Text
What Hebrew translation of the OT is being used today?
Sennacherib's Prism
What was found that confirmed the existence of Hezekiah as well as his encounter with the Assyrians?
When did Gutenberg invent the printing press?
What is the Hebrew Bible?
oral tradition
How was God's message mainly communicated to mankind?
KIng James Version
Which English translation of the Bible was used for over 300 years as the main translation?
Behistun Inscription
What was the engraving called that Darius made on the side of Mount Behistun?
When did Israel become a nation?
John Wycliffe
Who was the first person to translate the Bible into English?