Medieval/Ancient Writing
19th Century Inventions
Colonial Journalism
Civil War Journalism
The Penny Press
Television History
Journalism in the 21st century

The proceedings and decisions of the ancient Roman Senate were recorded in these official documents.

What is the Acta Senatus?


Ottmar Mergenthaler's 1884 invention that allowed for the mechanical composition of text for printing

What is the Linotype machine?


This act, which required printed materials in the colonies to bear a tax stamp, was met with widespread opposition.

What is The Stamp Act of 1765?


Both the Union and Confederacy passed these restrictions on the press to prevent reporting of troop movements and numbers, and commanders also banned reporters from the field at times

What is censorship?


This type of journalism, known for its sensationalism and exaggeration, was prevalent in the late 19th century.

What is Yellow Journalism?


This government agency, established by the Communications Act of 1934, regulates interstate and international communications by radio, television, wire, satellite, and cable.

What is the FCC?


This television distribution system, which became popular in the 1970s and 1980s, delivers programming via coaxial or fiber-optic cables directly to subscribers' homes.

What is cable TV?


The spread of this on social media platforms became a major concern for journalists in the 21st century.

What is misinformation or "fake news"?


This writing surface made from specially prepared animal skin was widely used before the advent of paper.

What is Parchment?


This 1876 invention by Alexander Graham Bell allowed voices to be transmitted electrically and became vital for personal and business communication.

What is the telephone?


Founded in 1719, it was one of the most influential newspapers in the American colonies during the American American. 

What is The Boston Gazette?


These reporters, about 350 for Northern papers and 150 for Southern, traveled with the armies to report on the war, arranging their own logistics and facing military censorship.

Who are the War correspondents/"Specials"?


These inexpensive newspapers, typically costing one cent, emerged in the 1830s and revolutionized the American media landscape.

What is the penny press?


This period, roughly spanning the 1920s to the 1940s, saw the rise of radio as a popular form of entertainment and information dissemination.

What is the Golden Age of Radio?


These three major American television networks - ABC, CBS, and NBC - dominated the airwaves for decades before the rise of cable and satellite television.

What are the "big three" TV networks?


The term for when audiences choose news sources that confirm their existing biases, contributing to the formation of these insular spaces of like-minded individuals.

What are "echo chambers"?


Feathers from these birds were commonly used in these as writing instruments before the modern pen was invented.

What is the quill?


This writing machine, patented by Christopher Latham Sholes in 1868, revolutionized office work and document creation.

What is the typewriter?


This Federalist newspaper, founded in 1789, was a rival to the Republican-leaning National Gazette.

What is The Gazette of the United States?


This man founded the New York Herald in 1835, which pioneered modern newspapers with more interesting content at an affordable price.

Who is James Gordon Bennett?


He was a pioneering photojournalist known for his photographs of the American Civil War.

Who is Mathew Brady?


This U.S. federal law established the Federal Radio Commission and laid the groundwork for the modern system of radio regulation.

What is the Radio Act of 1927?


This distinguished journalist took a stand against McCarthyism on his news show See It Now.

Who is Edward R. Murrow?


This invention helped bring the decline of the traditional print media in the 90s and early 2000s. 

What is the Internet?


Developed in China around 105 A.D., this early form of printing involved carving text or images into wooden blocks and inking them.

What is Wood Block Printing?


It captures images by recording light on a light-sensitive surface, and became a revolutionary tool for art, documentation, and communication.

What is the camera?


This 1776 pamphlet by Thomas Paine advocated for American independence from Great Britain.

What is Common Sense?


This cooperative was formed by six New York newspapers in the 1850s to share costs of using the telegraph to transmit news reports.

What is the Associated Press (AP)?


This newspaper, founded by Benjamin Day in 1833, was one of the first successful penny papers in the United States.

What is The New York Sun?


This American inventor, often called the "Father of Radio," invented the Audion vacuum tube, which made radio broadcasting possible.

Who is Lee DeForest?


 This term describes the perceived impact of 24-hour television news coverage on public opinion and foreign policy decisions.

What is the CNN effect?


he decline of print media led to concerns about these areas lacking any local news coverage.

What are "news deserts"?


These handwritten documents, often beautifully decorated, were the primary means of recording information before the printing press.

What are manuscripts?


 This invention is a printing press in which the images to be printed are curved around a cylinder.  

What is the rotary printing press?


This 1690 publication, the first multi-page newspaper in the American colonies, was shut down after its first issue.

What is Publick Occurrences, Both Foreign and Domestick?


This man founded the New York Times in 1851, which took a more moderate editorial stance between the Herald and Tribune.

Who is Henry J. Raymond?


James Gordon Bennett founded this New York newspaper in 1835, which became known for its sensational and controversial content.

What is the New York Herald?


This American electrical engineer invented FM radio and made significant improvements to AM radio.

Who is Edwin Armstrong?


This trusted CBS Evening News anchor influenced public opinion on the Vietnam War.

Who is Walter Cronkite?


These personal platforms emerged as alternative news sources, blurring the lines between professional and citizen journalists

What are blogs?


This revolutionary printing technology, introduced by Johannes Gutenberg in the 15th century, revolutionized book production and dissemination of information.

What is a Gutenberg's Printing Press?


The printing technique that simulates continuous tone imagery through the use of dots, varying either in size or in spacing.

What is halftone printing?


This term refers to newspapers that were openly affiliated with political parties in the late 18th and early 19th centuries.

What is The Partisan Press?


This was the leading and most widely circulated newspaper in the Confederacy, known for supporting the war effort while avoiding partisanship.

What is the Richmond Dispatch?


Richard Hoe invented this printing press in 1843, which significantly increased the speed and efficiency of newspaper printing.

What is the Cylinder Press?


This Italian inventor is credited with developing the first practical wireless telegraph system and conducting the first transatlantic radio transmission.

Who is Guglielmo Marconi?


This company heavily invested in television development, sold TV sets, and began broadcasting regular programs.

What is RCA (Radio Corporation of America)?


The blurring of lines between news and commentary made it difficult for audiences to distinguish these two elements.

What are fact and opinion?


The proceedings and decisions of the ancient Roman Senate were recorded in these official documents.

What is Acta Sanatus?


This 19th century invention revolutionized long-distance communication by transmitting coded electrical signals over wires.

What is the telegraph?


This man set up the first printing press in the American colonies in 1638.

Who is Stephen Daye?


This man founded the New York Tribune in 1841, which became the leading abolitionist/Radical Republican paper.

Who is Horace Greeley?


Horace David Sheppard is credited with introducing this iconic figure in newspaper distribution.

What is the paper boy?


This Canadian inventor conducted the first audio radio broadcast of the human voice and music in 1906; he is also credited for AM radio. 

Who is Reginald Fessenden?


This 21-year-old inventor successfully demonstrated electronic television in 1927.

Who is Philo Taylor Farnsworth?


Investigations into government and corporate activities were made possible through these types of data leaks sites. 

What are data leaks like the Panama Papers or WikiLeaks?