Peel's 12 Principles
English Roots
Famous People
What is Banishment.
What is the most effective means of punishing deviant behavior?
What is Sir Robert Peel.
What is the name of the man who created the 12 Principles?
What are Revenge and Retribution.
What are the 2 R's that people sought justice in England?
Who is Hur Moheb.
What is the name of the Pharaoh that was connected to the first recorded police organization?
What is the Political Era.
What is the name of the era where the primary focus was on crime prevention and maintenance of order through the foot patrol?
What is 1340 B.C. Egypt.
What is the year and country in which the first recorded police organization was found?
What is to prevent crime without force by practicing preventive policing.
What is the main function of the police according to Sir Robert Peel?
What is the Frankpledge System and King William.
What is the name of the form of community policing that was invented in 1066 in England and who invented it?
Who is Augustus Caesar.
What is the name of the Emperor who first started law enforcement during the Roman Civilization?
What is the Reform Era.
What is the name of the era that started in the early part of the 20th century?
What are Protection, Preservation, and Prevention.
What are the 3 P's that the Greek government dealt with?
What is "No quality is more indispensable to a policeman than a perfect command of temper; a quiet, determined manner has more effect than a violent action".
What is Peel's 6th Principle of Policing?
What is 10.
What is the number of families that formed a tithing and how many tithings formed a shire?
Who is Henry Fielding.
What is the name of the Founding Father of law enforcement?
What is to stop police corruption.
What is the reason behind why the Reform Era started?
What is a staff.
What is the sign of a police officer during Roman Civilization?
What is "The securing and training of proper persons is the root of efficiency".
What is Peel's 8th Principle of Policing?
What is police officers/detectives.
What is the Justice of the Peace that was formed in 1326 most like in today's law enforcement? (Not the name but the duties)
Who is August Vollmer.
What is the name of the man that invented the 6 Essential Elements of the model of Professional Policing?
What is the Professional Era.
What is the era in which August Vollmer helped create the 6 Essential Elements of Policing?
What are 7 and 14.
How many division and districts were the police divided into during the Roman Civilization?
What is "Policemen should be hired on a probationary basis".
What is Peel's 11th Principle of Policing?
What are the citizens were the police and the law enforcement organization was local.
What are the 2 important aspects of the Justice of the Peace system?
Who is O.W. Wilson.
What is the name ofthe man that redirected police from the maintenance of order to one of crime control?
What is the Community Era.
What is the era that we are currently in now?