Number of Indian Tribes in North Dakota
What is 5
The date and year North Dakota became a state.
What is November 2, 1889?
The three states that border North Dakota
What is Minnesota, South Dakota, and Montana?
Capital of North Dakota
What is Bismarck?
Calendars and records of history drawn on an animal hide
What is Winter Counts?
President that signed the law that granted statehood of North Dakota
One of the large United States rivers that divides Bismarck from Mandan
What is the Missouri River?
North Dakota town named after Marquis de Mores wife
What is Medora?
The first Plains Village group to become a modern Indian tribe.
What is The Mandan?
Population of North Dakota when it became a statehood
What is 150,000 people?
Act that gave 160 acres of free land to a person who built a house, lived there for five years, and cultivated (farmed) the land.
What is the Homestead Act?
City home to a 58 foot long replica of a T-rex
What is Williston?