From The Beginning
The Beatles 2.0
The Beach Boys
The Rest Of the British Invasion
The 1960s

Toward the beginning of the creation of the planet, all of the continents were connected in one giant mass.  What is this mass called?



Why did the Beatles eventually stop touring?

Their popularity made it unsafe for them to travel, many places did not want them to come there.


The Beach Boys knew each other because...

They were brothers


The Who were always a memorable band to see live because they were known for doing this at the end of their shows....

Smashing their equipment


Two companies tried to market dolls to the male market in the early 1960s. Name one of these dolls (bonus 100 points if you can name both)

Ken by Matel, and G.I. Joe by Hasbro


The process of bringing goods to Africa, slaves to the Caribbean, and molasses, sugar, and rum back to Europe is known as this...

The great slave triangle


This Indian instrument was first made popular in Rock and Roll by the Beatles

The Sitar


The Beach Boys originally started out with this name...

The Pendeltons


This man is the lead singer of the Rolling Stones

Mick Jagger


These two made for TV specials were produced in the 1060s and many of you will be seeing them in the near future.  Name one (bonus 200 if you can name both)

Charlie Brown Christmas, The Grinch


How did an insect aid in the creation of Rock & Roll?

The boll Weevil forced many of the former slaves in the South, Northward.


In 1966 John Lennon made this comment in an interview, causing mobs to protest the Beatles and burn their albums and merchandise

He said the band was more popular than Jesus


Beach Boys songs were almost always about one of these 3 topics, name 2 (bonus 300 points if you name all 3)

Surfing, Cars, Girls


The first time The Who played on live television in the United States was a very memorable performance, why?

Keith Moon packed his drum set with explosives and detonated it


This man was elected the 35th president of the United States in 1961

John F Kennedy


Why did many former slaves move Northward in the early 1900s?

Looking for work, particularly in the factories.

Late in the Beatles careers John Lennon married this women, who many believe is one of the main contributors to the break up of the band

Yoko Ono


Name one beach boys song (Bonus 400 if you can name three)

Beach Boys Songs:


This band was almost exactly like the Beatles, and their heartthrob lead singer was the cover boy of the first Tiger Beat Magazine

The Monkees


This showdown between two major world nuclear powers caused many members of society to feel the earth was going to end with nuclear destruction.  What is this even called?

The Cuban Missile Crisis


Archduke Franz Ferdinand was at the center for the start of World War I.  What did he do to help start this war?

He was assassinated


The song Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds, was thought to be a song about the drug acid (LSD) in actuality it was written about this...

A drawing that John Lennons son had made in Kindergarten


This movie released in 1957 started the surfer craze in the United States....



The famous rock opera "Tommy" by The Who, involved a main character that could not hear, see or speak, but became a pinball champion.  How did he play pinball?

He played by sense of smell


On August 13th 1961, this structure turned one city into two countries

The Berlin Wall