1619 - 1808
1820 - 1831
1849 - 1852
1854 - 1859
1861 - 1865
An enslaved African American blacksmith, organizes a slave revolt.
What is Gabriel Prosser intending to march on Richmond, Va in 1800.
Denmark Vesey
What is an enslaved African American carpenter, 1822. Plans a slave revolt to lay siege on Charleston, South Carolina. His plot is discovered and 34 co-conspirators are hanged.
Bill that became law on May 20,1854
What is the Kansas-Nebraska Act. U.S. Congress established the territories of Kansas and Nebraska.
Reason The South wanted to continue Slavery.
What is the slaves working for free planting and harvesting crops that were sold for lots of money and made the crop owners rich and made the Southern states wealthy.
When you hear Virgina this comes to mind.
What is in 1619 the first African slaves arrive.
Nat Turner
What is an enslaved African American preacher in 1831 He and his followers start a short, bloody, rebellion in Southhampton,Virgina. Turner is eventually hanged.
Popular Sovereignty
What is: The Question of slavery should be left to the decision of the territorial settlers themselves. Voice of the People A principal introduced by Stephen A. Douglas
This war in U.S. began in 1861 and lasted until 1865. Its generally know in the South as the War Between the States and called the War of the Rebellion, the War of Secession, and the War for Southern Independence.
What is the Civil War. The Northern States was call the UNION. The Southern states formed the CONFEDERACY and called themselves the Confederates.
Slavery is made illegal in the Northwest Territory.
What is 1787
Begins publishing a weekly paper that advocates the complete abolition of slavery.
What is the Liberator published by William Loyd Garrison, in 1831.
The Kansas-Nebraska Act flatly contradicted the purpose a law established in 1820. Which slavery would have been barred from both territories causing these territories when established as states to be Free States.
What is the Missouri Compromise.
There were 4 million slaves in the U.S. before the...
What happen before the Emancipation Proclamation in 1863. The Emancipation Proclamation was an order from the President "that all slaves be set free".
This invention greatly increases the demand for slave labor.
What is the Cotton Gin invented in 1793 by Eli Whitney.
A movement that was started to help end slavery
What is the Abolition Movement.
Name 2 Free States and 2 Slave States
What is free states Illinois and Ohio. What is slave states Virginia and North Carolina.
The 3 monumental events in 1865
What is (1) The Assassination of Abraham Lincoln (2) The Civil War Ends (3) The Thirteenth Amendment abolishes slavery throughout the United States.
U.S. Constitution states that Congress may not ban the slave trade until.
What is in 1808. Congress bans the importation of slaves from Africa.
Maine a state.
What is In Jan 1820 a bill passed the House.
John Brown and 21 followers capture the federal arsenal in an attempt to launch a slave revolt, where?
What is in 1859 Harpers Ferry, Va.
A system under which people are treated as property to be bought and sold, and are forced to work.