This meme type is used by 40 year old Facebook moms
What is minion memes?
What was the most popular web cartoon pre YouTube
What is Homestar Runner?
The first YouTube video and its uploader
What is Me at the Zoo uploaded 2/14/2005 by Jawed
Who owns Facebook
Who is Mark Zuckerberg
Who is the most mature kid in MS442
Who is Griffin Turman
This ogre is praised as a God by everyone, and he is green
What is Shrek?
Got any grapes?
What is the duck song
When was YouTube monetization introduced
When was 2011
Its community is especially toxic
What is Twitter
"Maya He, Maya Who, Maya Ha Ha"
What is Numa Numa
This kid friendly cartoon has a lot of fan made Twitter accounts that have inappropriate material
What is A Diary of a Wimpy Kid?
Boop Beep Bop
What is Friday Night Funkin
What is the most disliked video on YouTube
What is YouTube Rewind 2018
What is Newgrounds in 2000
"Rut Roh Raggy"
What is Scooby Doo
She will never die
Who is Queen Elizabeth II?
Used to work at a small local sandwich shop
Who is James Rallison (TheOdd1sOut)
What is Logan Paul's infamous quote
What is "I made a severe and continuous lapse in judgment"
Everyone who uses it is morbidly obese
What is Reddit
This thing sponsors everyone
What is Raid Shadow Legends
This woman forces veganism down everyone's throats
Who is ThatVeganTeacher
This video game is based off a hit web cartoon
What is Strong Bad's Cool Game For Attractive People (SBCG4AP)
A guy with a bad mustache who gives a lot of money away
This is a thing that is followed by a stolen meme
What is "Who did this?" (laugh)