What was Caesar's first name?
A. Julius B. Gaius Julius C. August Julius
Gaius Julius
Christopher Columbus originally wanted to sail to which country?
A. India B. Brazil C. China
Who performed the first powered flight?
A. Family Armstrong B. Brothers Wright C. Sisters Poitier
Wilbur and Orville Wright
Which holiday do Americans celebrate on the 4th of July?
A. Holiday B. Labour Day C. Independence Day
Independence Day
Who was the month of August named after?
A. after the Roman Emperor Augustus B. after the Sunset Augusta C. after the city Augusta Raurica
after the Roman Emperor Augustus
What is the nickname of the famous Austrian Empress Elisabeth?
A. Sissi B. Lissy C. Elli
Napoleon's last battle took place in which city?
A. Rome B. Venice C. Waterloo
Who invented letterpress printing in 1458?
A. Umberto Vincenzo B. Ali al-Hamza C. Johannes Gutenberg
Johannes Gutenberg
When was Switzerland founded?
A. 1794 B. 1848 C. 1891
What event moved the world in 1969?
A. the fall of the German wall B. The Vietnam-War C. the first moon landing
the first moon landing
Who wrote Hamlet?
A. Tolkien B. Shakespeare C. Tudor
Which island did Ingólfur Arnarson discover in the year 874?
A. Iceland B. Ireland C. Greenland
How fast could the first car from 1886 go?
A. 16 km/h B. 23 km/h C. 31 km/h
16 Km/h
From when to when was the First World War?
A. 1893-1899 B. 1902-1912 C. 1914-1918
Who did Queen Elizabeth I have beheaded?
A. Henry VIII. B. Anne Bolyne C. Mary Stuart
Mary Stuart Queen of Scots
She was awarded the Nobel Prize for Chemistry and treated wounded soldiers during the First World War.
A. Anne Bolyne B. Victoria Borgia C. Marie Curie
Marie Curie
How many countries were once a colony of Switzerland?
A. 1 B. 4 C. 0
The German physicist Otto von Guericke invents a machine in 1672. The design is officially recognised as the first generator. What did he discover?
A. Magnetism B. Electricity C. Batteries
From when to when was the Second World War?
A. 1929-1935 B. 1939-1945 C. 1949-1955
What was the nickname of Mary Tudor, Queen of England, who died in 1558?
A. Saint Mary C. Crazy Mary C. Bloody Mary
Bloody Mary
As the first Roman emperor, he profoundly changed Roman politics and culture and established the era of the Pax Romana, a long period of internal peace and political stability.
A. Caesar B. Augustus C. Marcus Antonius
Where was the most sacred place of the ancient Vikings?
A. Kategat B. Oslo C. Uppsala
Temple of Uppsala
On 9 January 2007, Steve Jobs, then CEO of Apple, took to the stage and presented the first model of what invention?
A. Iphone B. Macbook C. Ipad
When was Rome founded?
A. 753 BC B. 15 BC C. 562 AC
753 BC
In the first century AD, the Romans founded which city?
A. Milano B. Paris C. London