first President of the United States
George Washington
king of France who prophesied that France was headed for doom
Louis XV
French castle stronghold that was stormed on July 14, 1789
invented the telephone
Alexander Graham Bell
Father of Modern Missions
William Carey
man who is largely responsible for the rise and triumph of capitalism
Adam Smith
preached "Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God"
Jonathan Edwards
French philosopher who visited the United States and was impressed by the religion of the nation
Alexis de Tocqueville
number of years that Queen Victoria ruled the British Empire
traditional type of party system that France has
multiparty system
ship the Pilgrims sailed on to the New World
covenant that allowed unconverted relatives of church members to join the churches
country that withdrew from Napoleon's Continental System
the greatest of many Dutch masters of art
Rembrandt van Rijn
most responsible for the Second Great Awakening
Charles G. Finney
number of years Louis XIV ruled France
Prince of Preachers
Charles H. Spurgeon
engineered the Model T
Henry Ford
first Protestant missionary in China
Robert Morrison
discovered the universal law of gravitation
Isaac Newton
king's reign that was known as the July Monarchy
Louis Philippe
British prime minister who divided Canada into two parts
William Pitt
the most influential spokesman at the Congress of Vienna
von Metternich
type of government Louis XIV established when he set up various councils of state