Huck's Raft Chapter 4
Huck's Raft Chapter 9
G. Stanley Hall and Adolescence
Christianity and Physical Culture
Shuffle (from any of the Readings)
These two boys were Charles Dickens characters and the popular image of boyhood in nineteenth-century America. Representing someone who was independent, fun-loving, and noble-hearted.
Who was Tom Sawyer and Huck Finn?
Before the revolution, children's literature was written to instruct children and shape their character. This was the reason for children's books after the revolution.
What is entertain or build their imagination.
One of G. Stanley Hall's careers
What is a genetic psychologist or Who is the President of Clark University
In G. Stanley Hall's "Christianity and Physical Culture" he starts with the definition of this word.....which means holiness or wholeness.
What is health?
In the 19th century, this bond (between what two people) was considered purer and more innocent than any other social relationship.
Who are brothers and sisters.
The reason this trend began in the early 1800's was a matter of economics. Children were no longer seen as sources of labor but now required substantial investment of time and resources. Additionally women were no longer viewed needing to spend their adult lives devoted to pregnancy and childbirth.
Why was their a reduction in birthrate in the 1800's?
Child rearing manuals were previously written by ministers and moralists who would give moral and spiritual advice. As we moved into the "Child Study" movement, advice on how to raise your children were now being written by these professionals.
Who are psychologists and physicians.
Percentage of immigrant's children arrested
What is 70%
G. Stanley Hall ends this chapter by saying that the chief "power" in man is the ________, the only organs of which are muscles.
What is the will?
This was usually the color of the gowns that both infant girls and boys were dressed in, in the early nineteenth century.
What is white?
In the seventeenth- century, doing this was part of the reason adults felt infants were dangerously unformed and even animalistic. To prevent this, infants were dressed in heavy clothing to restrict their movement.
What is crawling?
The child study movement identified this stage of a child's life as a period of psychological and emotional storm and stress that began with puberty and marked a young person's social and sexual maturation
What is adolescence?
Juvenile Court in Chicago viewed delinquency as a consequence of
What is poor social conditions?
The author states that now at forty, most men are either _______ or philosophers. (hint: their bodies are no longer strong).
What are invalids?
This was introduced in around 1890 and gave girls greater freedom to move about in public.
What is the bicycle?
In the early 1800's this was worn by infant girls (made out of quilted or corded cloth) to give them a more mature posture and reflected the desire to see infants with adult like characteristics such as an upright posture and mature being.
What is a corset?
John B Watson, was a "behaviorist" psychologist. He believed this action could mold the child to be whatever you wanted them to be.
What is positive and negative reinforcement?
Act that defined delinquents to be any children under the age of 16 years old
What is the Juvenile Court Act
According to the author, everyone should train this often, keeping in mind the limits of your vitality.
What is a little every day?
This was one of three books mentioned in Chapter 9 of Huck's Raft that were popular girls' books that featured optimistic young girl's power to redeem adult curmudgeons. The characters used their charm to alter adult behavior.
What is Anne of Green Gables, Pollyanna, or Rebecca of Sunnybrook Farm. (only one is needed for points)
Early in the nineteenth century, girls play consisted of doing needle work and playing with wax dolls intended to foster nurturing skills and to encourage quiet play. However some girls also participated in this active game which was previously considered a boy's activity.
What is jumping rope?
L. Emmett Holt, who wrote the child-rearing guidebook that Dr. Spock's mother used, suggested splints be fastened to this part of the child's body to prevent thumb sucking.
What is the elbow?
Defined " Youth as spiritual drunkenness"
Who is Plato?
G. Stanley Hall says this should be strengthened not for fighting foe but for fighting sin within and without us. (this is paraphrased)
What is our muscles?
This book written by Anna Sewall, was a tale of animal cruelty and it revealed abuse, alcoholism, and family rupture.
What is Black Beauty?