Gilded Age
Progressive Era
Emergence of World Power
Roaring 20's
Great Depression

Thomas Edison, founding father of the light bulb

Who was Thomas Edison?


18th amendment banned sales and consumption of alcohol 

What amendment banned alcohol?


Imperialism is called to extend a country's power and influence

What is the definition of imperialism


Made people fear that communists would come to America

What is the Red Scare?


Limited foreign trade and investment, taxed foreign imported goods from other countries

What is a Tariffs?


Fought for better working conditions, higher wages, and fewer hours

What are Labor Unions?


W.E.B. Du Bois believed in immediate equality for African Americans and wanted it to happen instantly

What did W.E.B. Du Bois push for?


Isolationism is being neutral with global conflicts so you don't get involved

What is being neutral with global conflicts?


The day called when the stock market crashed

What is Black Tuesday


Years of drought causing farmers to lose their job and lose land from the topsoil being bad

What was the Dust Bowl?


Movement of people from rural areas to cities

What is the Urbanization?


Laissez-Faire is having minimal government interference and regulations

What is the Laissez-Faire?


Opened the door so all nations to have the equal trade with China

What is the Open Door Policy?


Led to the creation of jazz music and led to spreading African American culture

What was one of the creations from the Harlem Renaissance?


Buying stocks on margin that led to speculation because they were low then went really high

What was the Stock Market Speculation?


Banned Chinese women from entering the U.S, Nativist didn't want Chinese women to steal their jobs

What was the Chinese Exclusion Act?


Litigation is the process of taking a case to a court

What is taking a case to court called?


Connects the Atlantic Ocean to the Pacific Ocean, located in Panama. In 1902 President Theodore Roosevelt pushed for this to make it easier for traveling across oceans 

What was the Panama Canal?


After the bombing there were a series of raids and some said it to be an abuse of federal power

What were the Palmer Raids? 


The New York Stock Exchange lost billions of dollars and the stock market crashed on October of 1929

What happened on Black Tuesday?


Terence V. Powderly, hired unskilled and skilled workers, lead workers to move for 8 hour days

Who lead the knights of labor?


Jim Crow Laws enforced racial segregation in the south

What did the Jim Crow Laws do?


Trench Warfare created a stalemate where neither side would advance for long periods of time

What happened when either side wouldn't advance for a period of time?


Federally persevered oil for the navy was drilled by oil men and started making everyone to not trust the government

What was the Teapot Dome Scandal?


Great Depression was the era of deep economic depression, high unemployment, the dust bowl

What was the Great Depression?