What did the Hittites believe the only reason they were created was for?
To worship their gods
What is Illuyanka?
A mythical serpentine dragon who is a key character in Hittite mythology
In Jewish tradition, when does the Sabbath begin-end?
Sunset on Friday to sunset on Saturday
What is the famous city in Phoenicia?
City of Tyre
Where was it located?
kingdom of a thousand gods
What is the significance of Illuyanka's tail?
It prompts the relationship with creation and destruction in Hittite culture
What is the symbolic importance of the Sabbath?
It is a day of remembrance of the day God took to rest after 6 days of creation
What was their main mode of transportation?
Boat and water
What was it built with?
Baked bricks and tar for mortar
How many Hittite gods were there?
over 1000
What were Illuyanka's powers?
The power to summon floods and whirlwinds
In the 10 commandments, which commandment references the Sabbath?
The fourth
What were the Phoenecians famous for?
Shipbuilding and Seamanship
Why did the people build the tower?
To withstand another world flood, and to elevate themselves in a position similar to God to gain respect and glory.
Where did the information we have about the Hittites come from?
carvings in stone
What was the Kumarbi cycle?
An assembly of Hittite myths and stories about Kumarbi the god
Why did God give us a Sabbath day?
What was one invention they invented?
Keel, Caulk, Purple Dye, Alphabet
What did God do as a result of the Tower being built?
He divided the people's languages
What did the Hittites do to practice anti-witchcraft?
Spit into animals mouths
What was the Kumarbi Cycle recognized as?
One of the top works of literature uncovered in the Hittite archives
Are Christians required to fully stop working on the Sabbath?
Some of the laws from the Old Testament Jesus came to change, but respecting the Sabbath is still important
What did they use to navigate?
Coastlines, Stars, Dead Reckoning (the process of calculating one's position, especially at sea, by estimating the direction and distance traveled rather than by using landmarks)
Why did the people end up scattering?
Because they could not communicate and feared worse punishment from God.