What is the Quran?
The Holy book of Islam
What are Vedas?
Sacred Scriptures
What is Brahman?
takes the form of many different gods and goddesses
Who was Plato?
Dreamed of government being run by a philosopher-king who has studied logic and reason, believed democracy doesn’t work
What is Monotheism?
Beliving in only one god
What is a Mosque?
A building that Muslims pray in
What is Samsara?
The cycle of birth and rebirth (Reincarnation)
What is Atman?
The individual soul
What is conducianism?
Believed people are born good but need good role models to teach them ethics
What is the synagogue?
The temple for Jews to pray in
what are Shi'a Muslims?
believed leaders should be direct descendants of Muhammad
What is Karma?
sum total of your actions.
What is Polytheism?
Belief in multiple gods
What is Daoism?
Humans do not live in harmony with nature, but those that do will be happy.
What is the Torah?
The main book of Judism (the bible)
What are Sunni Muslims?
believed leaders could be anyone who upheld the teachings of Muhammad.
What is Dharma?
One's role in life.
Why do people believe in multiple gods?
Hindus believe the multiple Gods represent endless different qualities and powers of Brahman
What are the four noble truths?
Suffering is universal
Cause of suffering is desire
Suffering can be relieved
The Eightfold Path will relieve suffering
Believed most humans are born BAD. Need strict government and rules to keep them from making bad choices.
What is Moksha?
Release from samsara
What is Hinduism?
the world’s oldest active major religion and no single founder
What is the eightfold path?
How to treat others and yourself.
What is Socrates?
Believed that most people wanted to do the right thing, but needed help in their weakest moments to see that the good choices outweigh the bad.
What is the new testamant?
The second part of the Bible